
A lot of people in this more new generation will tell you, they need their money cared and watched. Not to get involved with another guy, and be seen by the worldly people, that is a very old guy.

Got kids, got baggage, got....conditioned. My family had nothing but the conditioned human all around. 

My father's side all these 13 girls, 4 of them are the wife.

I am not sure all of this 9 girls got married or a bf at least, because they telling their dad will be one thing, I Anna its the only person keep saying that Nicky or Shane. Might be Nicky, just when it becoming back and forth, I land there, I might know once you Ola moves in with Wing?!

It just might never had anything planning, the timing, the situation happens, I told you the several post ago. That time frame everything fallen, someone has to pick up everything all that time.

These side of the ROC, or my dad,....they might just only they care their own face + which these younger girl to show up including that Tina Jojo, because I might be far away gone, in case.

Meaning he cannot take any of them show up anywhere with or without a bf. He may not, because he just got married. There is no more dinner, or lunch, or seeing any human. I am a blonde remember? We don't belong here. 

Do you need a husband to show up, you know everyone else got a family all around circumstance?  The baby sit in the emergency time, baby sitting the dog in the emergency time ... you saying how people built up that character for everyone else all around the mistakes.

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