
A lot of time people doing things having their reasons doing it. Reflection shows.

Nicole Scherzinger Disney Mulan "Reflection" Live Coronation Concert


I personally have known something since this COVID 19 out breaks over this cloud on my windows from. That is Korea and Japan. Their news were on our Taiwan Channel. Taiwan is small, so that how they shape up a doing, I seeing that on the cloud.

The numbers on the news suppose to be correct, or unless they are not telling anything truth at all.

Korea and Japan.

I live here, I watch those number toll counts.

Some people are really really really really psycho, really. I will tell you that. Very. I didn't comment a lot of things because....

Sometimes things having a lot of the reason, in some larger worlds of this time, someone will tell you here is the fault line. And that vacuum of the air its getting denser. Whichever that means....descending upon. 

For example, we here are a lot this colder air of the City, because its not the villege life, meaning if not counting on that China saying. Some people live on this foreign currency time and schedule, its at the American that Eastern Time.


My UB human they are right there. But that movies its on Wing and Winnie.

I am here. Its not really whom doing the convenience stuffs. It just happens to look like that. 

In Europe, that crime rates are by the people whom really really really need those money. Those rubbery does exist. That is how Dean die on the television screen or the Dream Exchange Games. They being put there until things be done to them, for example, if they were smart, that is every them going to the law school, to safeguard they themselves over this England 2 worlds, that is parliament or the upper or the lower House. I think there is some English words. But most human never understood the exact procedure, and those whom don't have the brain, will never never never getting anything near one legistrator inside their very life. Not in the literacy, not in the family, and certainly never a poor girls from the rural place to reaching any politics, meaning....in this one person's life, you mean a real politic breach to somewhere, and that somewhere having a power has a degree in Today Whole Wide World of the democracy system through that court room hearing. Its America will be the most advance, or whichever name the European countries. 

I will be the blind human to pretend a lot of things.

While....maybe the photo misleading some human nature were that the Past, some will tell you people some mind are never made for a real political saying in front of anything if that day were a destiny, or meant it, that is per database, or the library, you so willing to own it, in whichever responsibility over......

.....starting this one fault line. And that one fault line, because so vaccum distant away from several elements and most time this mix a tiny bit color.

I hardly make every word clear, in the last 1 month.

At all.

A lot of TV has sometimes, a very dramatic profile driven reason that......in any country even if that is the legal sense. Usually a lot of the debates or the critique will be bring it on. That happened in 2013, 2014 (Frozen, 2015, Frozen Fever, 2019 Frozen 2)

Tell me how do I make you feel today its 2023 half.


Let's say you just guessing its not the entirely legal, not that Frozen. Then tell me between they themselves and me which one of us will be the forever eternal legal, right?

That determination over some IQ, to that a lot of things I specify, because even you pretend you having a conversation with the UFO worlds, or comic book figure, or the image, or the fancy idea of the military on these Pane Andov poker cards.....

One thing for sure, it will never be the IQ brain to deliver this TV's one job, while some human made to blame and debate to the court, you just seeing how the phoenix might descend, and how many more this calamity as if.....will meant for your each heart. While what is right, while what its wrong, every legal move, its really how much the per mouthful jobs, you meant it.

Starting that very first life at all....it was whom looking for whom, and whom really don't care, how a lot of things add up, it was a girl.

Not that trustful photo on the voice over.

You all so perfect people, American is on my East. I am really at this world?

So you all so perfect with your lawyer young or old, don't you marching in the early making that whichever you saying in it, they taken all cases. That is what the democracy world, how you one person living in that entering upon jurisdiction. 

The way you talk

The way you write

The things you advocate

The right you meant things on your accord.

The democracy listening to all things.

I keep saying that isn't it?

Speaking the right English, so many you all finish your school at least K1 -K12. How that important Steve Jobs made it to the D.C everyone knew that story, isn't it?

In life you heard about a novel, you have to make it every mouthful jobs in every realistic saying, not just a skin making the year wears off. They meant your bank account, over things.....how you stood with your subcomb nature facing it all. You will tell me going to Washington D.C sounds like facing it all.


Its not that bad.  You all been through UB SA those walking in the student union, if you have talking to that one Kevin at the receptionist jobs, you still feeling the rural girls on the village outfit or the oversize get larger XXL, that air of that pillar all looking, where Kevin seats.....its toooo much air to breath on your lung. I will personally telling you what the small rural girls usually end up.

I will tell you the movies are the classified material inside the American land. I have heard that. Meaning every and each examine process has to allow to distribute to all over the world. That process doesn't get fancier down. Meaning, you .....while facing that American classify worlds, you need to carry some English literacy including describing all yourself a case. Not repeating every word you learn from me.

Because if that one of those at the front Top seating toooo high Judge annoyed you with one question ....its about you. Not about her.

I am very sure there are so many Brain IQ, you all insist, why Anna when she needs to show up, she never be there?


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