
Biosphere, that is Zawanna (Same video Westlife)

His plan is to flura or funa, or he lies to me, none of that were his major, or he re-done his major....at all.


When the biosphere to say he is the flower, meaning flourish the entire pollunate of the  mushroom all in the air to get allergy.....the flowers alike.  I am his enemy, nothing but the synthetical, and public sanitation over the chlorine, or the fluorine, or iodine, or whichever....this public sanitation over....  not one dust over that vacuum doctors office, NEVER pollunation, or this ....whatever he meant the tree ash, good for the bare feet like Steve Jobs. Its to feel the nature setting of love. I am not sure that is him or Steve Jobs again. 

You inhale


Tree ash over the sunset alone! Thinking about the greater good of the Earth sphere, because he has to clean up the leaves or the garbage.  Its to plant more trees. I say planting the tree is good. I never say pollinating the entire earth sphere kind with the flowers.

That is the handkerchief, Tesla GIVES or that is the French actress .....left behind for the gentlemen. He is very allergic. 

That makes me allergic second. The handkerchief its to use to cover the nose and the mouth. 

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