I don't think any of you were in any position were any leadership in the past to really know how a leadership does a thing, really.
At my own job, I am the only one exist here the leadership.
These UB activities has to change to the phase 2. I say so those stuffs. So since the phase 1, everyone were gathered, and any communication behind, other than the emitting of any this hostility with your parents, or without your dad or pink or anything difference on the phase 1?
You are a week behind this phase 2. Finish your reports.

One of that is the leadership.
But most of you I think your whole life time starting the grade 1 or Kingdom Garden, you weren't an icon, an award, or some kinds of the any formation leadership, not even a boy scout. Tie your bow tie on your neck. One of those. Alone. 

Your Thursday Night, soon be the Happy house Friday. You can just finish that by next Monday. Its not you are hurried to leave your job. I don't have enough here to deal ...one Mu.
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