
Facebook - Voice Memo ( This is one of the stupidest thing, leadership)

UB 60 human (SA clubs human included ). My mail box broken. (7:21) -  Its broken ......

The leadership means we had a swimming pool to where they changing their outfit 5 mins to be at the court outdoor or indoor. Let me imagine I was a leadership for saying that swimming pool was the Harry Potter and a bathroom I got locket in, its a 2 stair up, its not a normal bathroom, but that is half open neck up. Its a squating type. Its attached to the swimming pool, you change your clothing in it.  Then there is a gym indoor on the 5th floor diagonal. We have the previledge doing things, that doesn't mean ....We have a physical on Wedn. That is a different stairs they use from 1st floor up to the 5th floor. 

I don't know what to tell you a several thing I say what I was the inept leadership because since the 6th grade on, I never participating anything I actively seek out. Everyone has the somebody. That was only a year and half. Meaning first year was the previous Captain+ their vice they doing things to train us. They never train us the leadership, we just happen to arrive in those seat, really.



The birds they are talking, not thirsty, that is the leadership? Which side? ~~~~!!!

Leaderhip 2 (7 : 38)


The skills ( volleyball ) in the leadership (5 : 03)


You talk about the pride of things ( leadership).…(8 : 53)


You know, if someone asks me the Ella Enchanted 😍 (7 : 59)


There is a loudest material it’s the volleyball (7 : 11)


In America, you have more distance to travel 🧳 (8 : 32) 


When I was growing up 💝💖💝💖💘 (10 : 58 )


How come my font does not change it back? I already edited the html code. It has to look like that right now on the Google Chrome. 

Let me guess, for which guys? 

That is so unbelievable ...Otter


I didn't leave a comment. Not yet.... (thinking)

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