

Ding Dong 叮噹 - the PR in that Black and White Hank's TV drama from Taiwan. Right, me and Shane talking like that. I understand so we both understands because if I told him, that is a PR, and just about every other story in my side of the leadership. He understands what that is. Its at the leadership bracket.

They have some issues, so when you saying Nicky at front, Kian is behind. Because that is the story. I am aware of that. We go to the court to see each other. I don't think its right now, but I know what that is. He is responsible for his side of every stuffs. I already told everyone we had a sequence 1 to 10 + 11 that one 430.

No ... Its not like that. They know what that is, I seen that story plot, I know what it is. I am the one told them ?! And I say I was the leadership and I wrote the entire a few days all things to the public seeing. Starting my high school.
They hear it.

No, its the leadership talking. I am a leadership, why I think anything else difference, and why would anyone keep saying 1-10+11, and a Royal Chef Guard, so I am myself?
We have the things be responsible as a whole group. They are the commercial interests group.

I don't know whom Nicky was, or why ?! So I get to know him, so I told in the public URL, everyone this is what I think, I see, I talk to? Including my phone conversation? If I don't understand, I say, " hi ~~~~~~~~~ NiCKY~~~~~~ I don't UNDERSTAND A WORD!? "

We used to have a formation in the volleyball, I say I am the leadership and did I tell you which formation that I was? 

Talking to any guy, not just the leadership.....I would rather you to believe or I believe you have talked to any guy in your life, to sound like "ANY ANY guy" knowing you didn't go near him to mess up him and his family life, no matter what life that is.
When you talking about a group,
A group that becoming a commercial success,
A situation I need that group
AND I keep saying the leadership......
Some of you are not talking clear behind or imagine what me is like on the phone with them, or my facebook behind. That is what you mean.

Inside the real guy's world, you have many different kinds of the guys, and unless you mean it, I mean you mean it to literally becoming like them, and the responsibility, I will personally telling you....you imagine everything wrong about those petty mind guys in that evolution time they say they come, or they are coming....to accord.

In the self retrospect and to saying, the success positive reinforcement talk you never stop saying to yourself, or the guys too. Or they understand they were on my facebook to better listen up by my order....that movie its nothing positive about you have a value. It was never about you. Just looks at the boy's cartoon or the girl's cartoon.
Either this guys are blind, or they don't know they themselves inside their own real worlds, I say the TV fame guys are as good as they opening up their mouth and verbalize well. You train them, and you wish them well.
If you understand that is what you doing to my UB facebook.....yeah, if they asking me what efforts you girls input to willing for them, I will say, these girls didn't ask for the love, its per degree English sentence they repeat, you repeat, and get your English paper right and move on.
But they did for the money reason, not about....love they say. You believe that? 

The first 8 long years the UB they know me, it was the UN Climate Change SMTV, my facebook any of them knowing me. They didn't see anything change, I just put back a small tiny facebook here to looks like I exist.
I am busy. Every one of them got a facebook, they know what that is.
You cannot be the imposter if you trying to.

The court Judge will not fulfilling your wish such as the encounter once again in the court room entrance door. This is what I tell my UB facebook, right. The schedule time, country court, and with whom you being call forward. That is with the airplane tickets, or without an airplane ticket, in different court, in different city, in different given reason, that person, that guy with his gf, or ex gf, or ex-wife or his dad and mom, freely travel to that they were told. They are busy in their own small nucleus perfect family setting. They eat together, they travel together, they saying goodbye together, they move all different states in America.




None of inside outside steady, or anything nothing but mistakes every chance you got. Not internal quality, not outside pretentious.personally I have zero saying about any of you or any of this, really.

When some hell of the guys doing the hells of the jobs, they are in a very bad mood. None of them are the real guys, really. I have nothing to say about it.

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