
He doesn't like you one bit. Not one bit. That patience are wear out. You talk with your mouth opens too much. You are supposed to be a church on your own, the reason why you ending up there. He might be more serious he meant that is a missionary, until I show up.

Whatever this he told someone behind, or both dad, there is a Honorable Superior, everything is fake. I assume that is what he understands, so he says no. Not a fake missionary or he asked someone, or I imagine ....what is the missionary means, a real preaching God's job?

So if he and you meant real, that is a missionary job, and I will tell you it all fake.... probably that is what they figure it out, Ella Enchanted, someone found.

You as a girl, you want to keep blaming on them, its everything they fault. This missionary has your name in it. Has your title in it, the money bank, the check bank. It has a lot of your showing up to lure the audience attention, so you just meant you want to blame on everyone else faults, other than doing the mature things. 

Yeah, you can blame one to Z, you just guessing it which one to get through. I can tell you what to get, except only thing I say to you will get through, everything else will not. So you copy only what I tell you, nothing extra, nothing funny.

Then you will get through.

You want to win in the end of that results, I say to you, there are all different ways other than exit you as a girl, a tall girl, you will lose EVERY single guy on this one planet, ALL the guys, if you doing that to your own church whatever you imagine to keep blaming A to Z.

You think about it. 

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