
I have this high school Twilight....so I imagine what I see exactly "like I see", this person near by whom...each of this indicator to and with Tamang?!

Right ....

uhm~ it must be one of those breaking up to have a quarrel, not saying there is a professor in the front.  Wayne is a priest, and Eddie bear is the consoler high school + Decon from the church ....

Let me think if I just told them what Tamang did. And Adria is a referee on the volleyball those whistle blower. oh !!~~~~ He is exiting the field !!!

Seriously a red card !!!

The high debts like the bank - Karen

His facebook - Adria

IT - Wing (header photo facebook, the header element )

Mike - its real cute ! APO President.

Cat like Lalla - a bait you mean.

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