
I haven't finishing talking to....some of you, you gear saying abusing the Washington D.C or the idea your love-to-do life = gossip or debates.

I personally only know Obama care. That is one thing on the news or people keep talking about, or including the president, you know how long that ago? 

The only thing I knew about was the election, that is when you go and participating the politics, its to hear them talk and participate their debates. But I cannot do that in the last 10 years. My finance was not stable, my small nucleus family are mostly handicaped or the conditioned people and a lot of them playing the running-to-love games all the way to Mongolia, or in Orange county, California to Europe.

And + I didn't grow up in the local America culture. Very little things I am aware of, what you are so staring at your own American leadership, you mean the movies says about....

1. The Central?

Meaning the Federal and State, and one day I know CNN talks about the federal shut down. I know the word "federal", or some of the school shooting event. 

2. The Power landscape. 

Meaning....ROC or democratic? 

I watching the movies: They keep talking about the against the Central rebelliation, I say I learn about the retaliation words, and the police force, or the surveillance from the Conan Detective. There are the layer of the things kinda of like the onion, in Twilight. 

I am telling you, I am feeeeeeling soooooo blind of this. 

You are designed by the movie to go after one or 2 or 3 or 4 people etc. How you perceiving them or they perceiving you, or everyone else perceiving them and onto you, you should just sue them "Everyone staring at those karma right at you", you didn't do anything. Really.

I don't really know they define you, "You have to love what you do", or I say "Its best you have the college degree when you settle your career choice, not the tears in the eyes."

Meaning sometimes let go those guys, or things that bothers you but staring at the money. Or some people will tell if you mean it that is the responsible life you live for yourself, or for everyone near by or all around.

You know what I mean?

Right now, you got some older people, because you are not that super old yet. I tell you, every youth doesn't care about one humanity of any suffering of any kind, so you found out when you are way oooold, no one cares that you have mistaken your whole life, its to foster you, its to talk to you, its to explain to you, including given you many fishing points of staring at the photo, the website access, you feeling it the instant knowing.

What you define

Later the after life you realize .....just not right now.

So there is a book "Every Eternity of It."

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