
I think ...

"Its the running away scenario, none of this guys or the girls are the leadership. But most guys know if someone lock the door, its not the guys trying to run away to another guy, or they know they will run short in the food, in the motel? "

"But these girls put something in their mind. Nick used to always always saying that. Some people putting a certain thing inside their mind, and what happened was when the TV told you someone being escort out, the moment they the girls trip over the steps and fallen their face on the ground, its visible and invisible realm warning to them. Not that guy or not that man. They will not tell anyone the stupid things how they being warn. Because they were running away and worse, each of them all having a reason why they think it is like that, but they determine to do something really really stupid and the invisible realm + the birds warning to them. Often they change their mind, so let's say, their family member has no idea what's going on one weekend....it might be the very same day there was something supposed to going on, or they had run away before. They didn't talk any word out. They keep being warning at. Not that TV material, someone saying it very very clear."

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