
I went to remote control TV - 我去摸轉台器 (電視)

I am very very very nervous results of a lot of that, you know! 我其實非常非常非常的緊張這結果的許多這些

Making money or just leisure watching a movie 賺錢還是休閒的看電影

TV has a drawing you in that story plot if just a purely story plot 電視有一種吸引力叫做只是單純的看電視 ....

I react very fast, and one of those habit I have to shut off the TV. 我其實反應力很快,有那種習慣直接關掉電視

I probably wish to say, if they can just find out if ITS EVERY MOVIE OR TV those are the classify materials 我其實只想非常確定知道希望知道這所有電視電影是不是都是那種資料

Its very nervous wreck 其實很讓我緊張 !

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