
๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข My name is ๅฐŠไธŠ, how old are you equivalent to my age on Earth?


You like those Princess Diary movie, the guy or the girl?


When I grew up long long time ago on Earth, shi, I am really only 40 years old than that Zawanna they them human.

Every single day the monent I open my front gate door on the 1st floor, I feel the judgemental from the air, the traffic light, the crossing of one road, it’s everybody staring at me. All the way never change to one day I become teens and then one day in America, they don’t have a lot of people and they are a lot better manner as the white. I went to two coastline. You seeing the Revolution Girl.

As long as I see a human, every human in this very big city everywhere nothing but the human, it’s judgement first at me the monent I walk out.

So I went hiding.

Did your Pa tell you where I gonna go next after the physical ?

I am not sure neither but these 5 Lords review I didn’t talk about it, whom I have met and seen, everyday I jumping out of the bed it’s never them UB destiny, but it has been mine own imagination ?

Imagine not even one race look like me!! I exclaim !!! Not I proclaim ?! As…? ๅฐŠไธŠ!

Life is like writing a novel!

With a quill  ? 

“Hi !”

You know, every universes of the quatrain and every culture such as yours all Greater Race of the Pa and Grand pa are writing novels or a book like Dr Gabriel’s followers, the coach’s writers. You all got a trendy, not here on Earth. They cannot wait to generate one outfit right. Not one thick book like you all doing this in class, right at the class. 

They are from the Earth. It will never be me telling the Truth !! I exclaim, not I proclaim. 

It’s useless of course I know they are useless. 

I just ignore the rest of them already. They are not your type. They are never my type. Their culture is the skin, not the Line & Squares a book. You have those atmosphere right inside your belief air. Here, another 1000 years pass, no one hears me a word. 

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