
No, you didn’t understand a lot of things I say.

When me and nick just got together, he was the one with me. We move into that time.

Almost immediately, everything immediately happened.

1. His mother too old die 3 times on his retreat finally die. Her roommate dies first. Right across her.

2. Tony got engaged and move to Niagara Falls, Carla got a job at Buffalo there as a nurse.

3. Tina starting running to Canada 

4. I was passing Canada Border all the time.

5. Alyssa just born

6. Alexandro was 1998 like that Shawn Mandes.

7. Carla starts running this Peyton from West Virginia. Her first married daughter. They had 2nd kid +3rd kid, Tony running away I think more than 2 times, each time had the kid. He came to stay with us one week. Second time running away was mid-night, nick got up or staying late. I am staying in Tony’s room.

8. Tina one day calls. You know what she dresses like?

No, I never talk about this. He nick remembered !! Because Thailand retreat then Taiwan retreat after that immediately! Guess whom are running?! I will tell you me sounds fake driving every weekend to Canada, because later in UB, I do less. But all the records exist. Everything looks like I was fake. I am so exhausted remember?

You want to tell me you know, why each are running towards at?

Connie they move to Bolton her parents at highway 7. Because the map looks so short….she ?? You didn’t see how far the driving time they were. Why don’t you say I drove to Nick. If all things combines. I will tell you I look fake. Alexandro had the soccers practice. Mimmo lost his job.

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