
Questions and Answer

1. I went out several Friday Night ....

To get to people's attention in the bar to talk to you, or joining that ethnicity conversation meaning everyone might know whom, you talk or repeat per word they say, and re-elaborate them. Only talk the things they always repeat and say. Memorize the words they use in English, if you are not the English native speakers. Repeat those words.

2. These people ....

Many love and hate games between people's revenge mode, sometimes knowing each other too long, the poverty too long, but some of this debts you are not going to find out.  What you mean would be 

"Under ALL perfect condition"    " If the money its being investigate....."

Between the gays, they are part of the world in large, every guy having those sissy sassy moment in life, but the bigger hierarchy will have some other kinds expecting some other things, training in a different Time, Space, Moon or Tide.

This is not all you see, but that is what you willing to only compete and compare. So are they.

3. No...I mean.

My family has a mother, this mother while we grew up about 17 years, she always station home, she did. She and my grandmom. Her knee are replacement. 

She every time we come home, its we take a shower and eat. She always has the food at the table at home, and never lack us one meal, so I never knew people have no food, not even with Nick. I always cook him food, or prepare extra, or something ensure that temperature, or food, or something in the details, were like my mother did for us.

Laudry, Tina did tiny bit for Hank and the kids, tiny bit. She trim our 10 nails and she does us the ears. We have 3 kids. We learn our toe nails, and finger nails later on. But she always have these supply of the clipper, I never require to buy, not the clothing, not the instrument, not the deal....she prepare a lot of things just always there. I never lack one item that as I grew up, I remember all that. 

His mother. He wish, most of his life ti me, he has a different kind of the mother. 

My mother's pursue the other day were in my video, she has some outfit fashion girls, and my father arranges some of the meeting. As the kid, up to the middle school, that should be sufficient. 

We are away from Square and Irene, if that is what you mean, the outfit only, the diet only, the finger nail clipper only, the tile floor only, the bathroom interior design only, never art or paint only....there are a lot of the only, its God given me enough til this day, Nick would have told you all that himself.

4. I want to join the conversation, not to get the guy or the girl. I am fishing.

You mean to be more like those you like them the car insurance agency? They practice at home in front of their mirror. They find one-on-one talking, most of these you saying the normal citizen in the residential area, you seeing their division of the every city, rural, to Big City. These ordinary people all having a way survival.


You staying long enough on the street, you witness them, seeing them how they talk, the women included. Some looks not very nice, some are red hair, some a tiny perm, some you will say these occupation are the hair dressor, or the vocational school, whichever means, these daily ordinary citizen.

True, each of them having a way to survive. You get too much of this seeing with your eye, you yourself cannot contain anyone else makes a living in their own life.  But a lot of those were more of the education.

Because...most of the world itself people will tell you, the family background has some factor how much they input those education in, and some can turn that education to a much higher value if they stay on. They are too lonely, that is why the time to where the crucial prove and validate, they are not chosen. 

5. Do I always need to care about my fashion in America?

You mean I wear here never there? Yeah, you dress what your mall sell in general. You intend not to debts, finding a better job, finding a better attitude, finding a more reliable using your time more compact, and efficient to get you want.

Most people wish to dictate their life just about any degree freedom they got. True.

Some people if they work enough the superficiality, yeah, they know there is a difference, but most of you are not the quality human, not at your evolution speaking, not your culture. You might already end up in the hell, you just waiting those time going down. So....you dress only your modesty running deep its best, it soothing to your mood, soul, spirituality, and ding ding ding, "What a nice sunshine day, I have finally wash my sink!"

And we all laugh, what is that so important of that job. Its just a sink. 

6. So a lot of the guys its like their mother?

They told you that, I say my mother. That kind. A little bit like the comic book that Queen. Because you mean you be responsible to their neh, or yeh, or the problem solving. Most of you having that attitude, "What is your problem to do with me, money first, we talk."

"Or she is using you!"

"Never mind, ask her why bother asking me?"

7. You go to MD psychatry for every small tiny problem.

No more priest best. its the literacy jam up your brain like those MD, and you only need once a week, meaning one hour, then you get out of the door, you feeling like a brand new person.  No you don't need to go to those retreat or the meditation.

Its a fast pace of life, like City life. You only get your brain jam for one hour. Slam that door, get out, doing whatever you want one full week, or til whenever you seeing him again.

Jam up your brain with that one hour. Leave the rest of them to God, life doesn't need to be too perfect. You only talk to him like a therapeutic. You probably will still insist the way how you doing things, for real. Most time its like that. But you talk all kinds of the stuffs, get your brain jam. 

That will be your eternity this civilization evolve. You don't really care those spirituality, I got that.  Until your brain IQ to that money sign not on squandle standard of more "pushing forward" those compete and compared, you mean the public hygenic level goes up...all those details, a better life, then, you saying with that brain, you tell me how long it takes for you to stabilize your life with the money sign.

You will tell me, the day you left the school, its every day you think of, how to make the money.

Nick will tell you, he knows one. I got no money that time.

8. Do you must drink the good water in order to get your health back?


Then what if no more good water.

You gonna feel sick very quickly yourself every hands you touch, because your throat will start feeling it, you cannot change it back. It is a hygienic issue.

9. Do they always run the same karmic law everywhere the same? 

I don't see why they change those standard? 

10. So if I want to meet a guy, I talk to his mother ....

I had the in-law, including Hank's parent. I didn't speak them a word. Hank talks to my mother, probably he thinks he is fine with it. I don't know how to talk with Hank he is their son, and I only purchase the flower to put there. Tina likes those talking stuffs. I got nothing else to say. 

You just meant how to talk impressive? 

The things she wants to hear, or the 10 mins conversation? 

Technically you all looking to me, you will never met an in-law yet....you all very confident you have the language skill, so why don't you keep trying in your life how to be pleasing to each other and then the in-law? 

11. You want to impressive how to vola in front of the crowd in front of a guy?! 

You want to win the conversation always in front of someone or something?

How funny....I never speak a word to any of those UB not classmate, you call them the acquataince in English. Barely know them.

The true friends in Ancient Chinese, will always like you dating that guy. You mean it you work together harmoniously. 

The guys will tell you their worlds looks different from the girls. The girls I will tell you, if you walking in a room.

1) Whom those didn't wear the eye contact guys looks like need a help.

2) Some girl did walking up.

3) My brother' classmate 2, one got beat up lost everything, or the other bar lost everything. Phone included to my brother.

4) The height of the different sorts.

5) Perfume, identify, why this girl will always show up without the online tracker. Its in person. They know what kind of the girls ending up where they suppose to be. Most guys will tell you that. 

One direction has a song, "When you walking in the room, you feel you are beautiful"

How amazing.....sounds.

12.  You go to the police file cabin.

Technically you looking at their eyes muscle in the focus short or longer range. How they operating their 2 eyes all near by eye muscles.

With or without the light.

Oops, my cell phone was broken this beam light, this is the LED light. 

13. 7 Years probably, first several years, I did go out, but always alone. She knew I have something to do, not friends. So she has some other social things she goes. She is very used to I got zero social, and since I got no money, she knows there is not one guy around, but she has other activities herself, day, day time, noon, evening. COVID 19 is ending.

I stay home.

It has been always like that in life. 

14. Nick used to have his own project too. The only person doesn't have life, its me.


What about his ex wife?

I think first few time we drive there, later I am so lazy to leave the house, I tell him to go by himself. Its one person staring at another person, and his daughters-in-law never give him one glass of water even.

When he comes home to eat? Its on the kitchen counter he made them, cover with the plate, not the plastic, just another dish plate upside down. He normally just put them in the fridge. He goes to wash his hands.


15. A lot of people settle their finance, so each of them will tell you where they go about, its to hanging around the friends or learn something, sometimes they care about their money, not they don't go on a date, or some outing.

You plan your life like you seeing ahead of you. A lot of people when they are 55, they are looking for the gf or bf.  You saying why don't you just stare at your own money, you will feel so much better, or you just wish it now? Some people plan that life, so you go to ask some people. A lot of people will do the homework's about their life. 

16. You do that often with your bf or your own family members.

You already doing that with everyone, not just with me.

17. A lot of time you have an inner urge really saying those words, really. Or some kinda of "Whatever ~ ", even in English sound so bad you get hungry, or you get dehydrated, or you are tired. You need to lay down, but you feeling the burden, you are the period pain, but then you are alone the house, you need to get from one bathroom to that room you laying it down. You wish a lot of time someone will do one thing right.

Someone will do one thing right.

Some one will do one thing right.

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