Talking to him, or them yet? Whichever makes you all happy?! Do I need to continue? Isn't that stopped, that commander garbage? in-chef?
I remember clearly okay? I have to take the anatomy class, and I think Ola had the physiology class and she was the pre-med. My major was the chemistry + a minor like the medicinal chemistry. I didn't like it, so I didn't finish that, I thought were to be Ancient Chinese very early on those alchemist, how you translate back, probably it is the medicinal chemistry. But they are talking about the modern medicine being made.
Its the pharmaceutical side I guess. They do research. I didn't want to do the research anymore? Near me when I was moving, there were a lot of this Taiwan girl, they pressing it, because they cannot find their way in life, like wanting to stay in America, they have this longer stay for the nurse, or the pharmaceutical graduated degree. You are not sure about the money but you literally pressing it on in your life? I couldn't do that.
I seen a several pharmaceutical student, I did.
You gonna tell me you don't know the tablet of the toilet how to wash, or that dosage of the manufacturing "adrocavo number = 6.22x10^23", tell me or explain to me that one mole?
But since the MD doesn't require to learn that?
You have the general chem or organic chem....I have nothing to comment, why I thought about that more important, but you choosing it the bio-science major. You love the biology textbook, just looking at it, I hate it, or I dragged it, so my high school, I have first year in the general context, when the time comes, I pick the major was the second category major.
It is the material science near by major. But the chemistry itself its part of it.
You have a physical body, you gonna tell me how far this drug gonna sip through the real anatomical body structure, meaning made of the bones.
Does the drug sipping through the bones, to the bone marrow?
I am very sure you gonna tell me that bone = anatomny has nothing to do with the muscle.
I thought I am asking you the pan reliever, those drugs or the pain killer medicine, does that sipping through to the bone, and why that has to be the bone marrow? You talking about the blood stream you understand. I am talking about the muscle pains and the nerves crack down, not the nerves break down your entire life direction cannot be turn in life.
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