
The Cat eats the mouse !! Wa hahahhahaahah......

That is Savage Garden !!!

Wa hahahahahah.......this is so funny. I am watching some of this very funny Chinese dog talking to his lady host.

I think they keep showing to me, you make a cake?!

The decoration of a cake. You happy to make a cake, they tell you to? If you give yourself 3 months to be happy, sometimes that mood you have, the first thing to calm down your own environment for 3 months, eat something you like, the coffee shop place you like, or sitting the movie theater you like, and that mood, lead you to sit there and think. You can write, you can note it down, you can just work your way up with your brain process. Life is not when people giving you a direction and you thought that solve all the problems. That is not necessary true. 

Some Argument

I am stuck on the fallacy, and this NASA and anatomy over this Mr and Mrs Smith all these car chase scene. 

1. Fallacy 3 weeks ago, I told my ex bf. Are you guys dating?

2. Anatomy and physiology or anything stop the commander-in-chef told, or his brain wavelength, or .....?!

3. I break opens through this side of the argument, I have to stop on the NASA, no more concert here, its the friction.

Help me understand this. The friction between the arguments. I got stuck.

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