
The girls like you cannot organize very well in life. But you like to have some attention to almost everything I mention in my life. I never saying no, I asking you to do something step 1 to 10.

In this sense, it motivates you in life. Tina is that kind, she blast her entire diary on the facebook and she feeling much better, people comment with her. So in America, you want more of the guy going along with your opinionate views, here is the trickery part.....you taken they are your facebook. Or you trying to get one or 2 people from your Facebook, you start to argue with "some guys."

The guy I told you don't wear the eye contact lens, those are very very emotional, some guys only prefer the gay's world, but these ghost gerne, those....you never knew whom they smile-ing at. You understand?

You are stuck in this 16 years program if that is what the China saying to me, back and forth these material, the court room usually they will investigate all the money transaction hurting related to me, including gossips. You understand? They being jail on the very first day.

Their material will "be made" and "re-made" into the correct formats to hurt or perfect degree, everyone knows what it says. Because most criminal people

1) Forget the key at night trying to get home, locked the key inside, the police arrive.

2) The home key not in the pocket, luxury theft, the police came, the door not open at night.

3) Lost this lost that, police required.

You understand? The criminal people IQ often its not perfect like the news say. Someone tries to suicide, what did I tell you? A brand new brain method? Really?

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