
The importance of the history of the Past, given you the river of that God provide you the fresh water, therefore, there is the economic established since the long time ago, at the portal such as the piers. New York City.

When you file the tax, their division of that tax is different. In this junction of life, there is the international travel that arriving from the ferry such as the big ship in the 1900 time, you known as the 1910, or one of those 1912 the Titanic event. 

The prosperity of the city development its going along the economic structure, that one day that Niagara Falls project since 1893 the White City Chicago Expo, brings as far as these 8 hours today our driving, these Niagara Falls electric power, buildilng all these AC tower, today your wire to go to New York City. "Let it be the light", your Bible God spoken about.

That economic development since then, it was the technology heighten. No one will ask you where these electricity comes from, because in that age, in that time, in that period of every 20 years, their small commodity structure of the business can go extent about where this New York City to Europe, they often travel to the international flight, including today we have the currency timezone - Wall Street.

The mass distribution of the technology development are only very limited to few hands, never those you saying if that is the government agrees, then those are very few people if those regulation or the genius reach of the profit its reach by the money digits sign, or the company that allows those technology swiftly given to all walks of life. This is what you known as the DC or the AC war 100 years ago, but today, rarely anyone really require to know, to learn....just moving on that new economic development. Because most people's one single apartment, those bill, those career choice, those pay by monthly or yearly bonus, those digits do not exceeding anything else extra. You talking about millions people in every metropolitan life, not 10 human lifes. 


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