
This is common, if you achieve your age with the home you carrying through. Some people having other people to come over. The stable parenting, the stable kids, with the stable friends.

You want to tell me in this entire society, no one can put some of the social occasion sometimes inside that one home?


But that is not what you all are striving to do.

Does taking care of the people, it doesn't bother you?

I did my own laundry.

I find a kelly blue book in America to buy the second hand car, but ending up the local someone got from the auction. Its a nice car.

I find the DMV for this stickier bar code to stick on my car. That time were James home. 

I find a DMV office to take a written test.

I gone to 2 eye doctors while I was in the UB.

I purchase that car so I maintain those in the mechanic shop sometimes seeing if Wing were at that mall working. He must know why. 

The winter time, the summer time, and the oil change time (there is the car fluid anti-freezing)

I pay attention when the guys they were in the UB talking nothing but the car. Listen and paying an attention. They say what you do what.

One day I move, Melinda came to help me we drive the U-haul about 10 mins, literally just 10 mins, not too far, she helps me move all the boxes to the new apartment. That is the mail box to overlook at UB. 

I book the U-haul, I show up.

One day I went to Dr. T myself. It took me a lot of years to show up in front of him again.

I decide to rent continue in UB near by.

I decide to go to the graduate school + learning how to really change my major to the bookshelf side. For real, I did everything I could. No more science. I guess it wasn't meant it that way. I thought about that. 

Sorry, you mean taking care of other people, you mean the laundry or the car, or the food on the table including the washing bowl and plates. I happen to be the chemistry major, so I know what is the detegent, those dollar store every bottle, imagine....how I suppose to make the money, or very comfertable to see, and discuss something called "the baking soda". 

"oh yeah~~ I know what that is. You gonna get your hand itchy, those are way tooooo alkaline, you don't really touching it with your fingers, you dump in the water." 

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