Here in the city life or any American City included, you will find out the human affection are very cold. The fashion is higher, the Pitch Perfect office suite start to make a sense in the more the traffic jam sense. If you get a job in California rush hour, or saying which 9 to 5, you land you have a paycheck or 10-6 if coming home, you had some light dinner, and go to sleep.
In this world, you start to meeting everyone sleek, very very competitive, very uttering their resume and social networking. You personally don't like it.
A lot of the American senior officers when they design my itinenray will tell me, that is probably not very suit to my own personality, so that Harvard was a freedom choice. But that is over one Bible, one literacy.
One literacy after 20 years in America or continue speaking in the English starting the 15th year 2014. Those documents are needed to identify me, me, me, me. So that entire tooooooooo many things including the legal lawful will tell you about something VS, they mis-lead her, or because she saying a few degree of every kinds of the 10 rudimentary subjects, its those 5 Major Religion top come and bugging her.
She pretends that exists for....some people. But in her daily life, she is not the yoga studio, not even CAC those girls meet out for the aerobic, according to her, she doesn't do the weight-lifting, nor any martial arts. She is just home cooking.
None of you will ever get near the legal standard to snatch anything Religion purpose, not this life. Not the Church or the State at the England neither. None. Today how they set up, you have to take a test, similar to SMCH used to be, at the very beginning. Every monk or nun requires to take the exam, the paper exam.
I have the situation.
I cannot open the book like the Bible.
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