
When they define the central science as if that is just like the BTX story. I myself feeling those cold air, or one of those you cage the high intellects, one of those high skills profiles the doctors, of the male and the female. Really.

The feeling of it, not those looking, Conan Detective those looking but place into another kind of the cartoon, its all roomy in BTX. I don't think that is a real story though. In the most sunshine world, the relaxation to the mind because of the annual gross incomes are so much higher, including all the criminal rate or the education, the fast develop of the world itself, are all democracy freedom. The opinionate view over any matter can be shout out. Literally whom louder than whom sound, one of those. I probably meant more guys. I don't ever gonna evolve anyway bigger than that. Really. Not my body, my heart and my soul.

That story will be defining you about the high skill profiles and one of those are very few frames in Conan AI Noah. Its the medical doctors, or the lawyers...these seem to have zero name just about anywhere. Because most time when you saying the civilian lines, are the each office suite. That doesn't look a lot more than how much they estimate money in that day by day the same repeated germ jobs.

The modern civilization to our world where the lab or the bio lab defines...

This is where the bio weapon if you saying, you are emotional over a lot of things, or that character are not steady. The closure space of the office let's say limited to a lab, that entire opening the door to close the door, including the hallway if leaking it out, the entire air contaminate, and if that air windows open on the hallway, they escape to the outside the wind blows world, its away from the human, its just air dry out, if your lab its in the middle of the desert.

If you are on the university campus, then its just the building outside, the floor up let's 3rd floor, then they go out like 5 6 ....unlimited sky up, being blow away.  For example, the UB south campus, practically no students are walking on the school itself. Not like the UB north campus.

Something going on...why my phone keep vibrating...my mother's throat, now the balcony.


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