
๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” You girls have a body structure from the back of that skin "back", to the front of your "chest", this is 3D, cylinder... you keep bubbling up your hope, the guys seeing you inside that movie has a meaning. Its all false.

If you don't open your mouth, this year, he never knew any year at all. Really. Not the movies says, not the movie imply you have an ability, or the magic, or the astral projection you could see things. The real guys they know what that is, they didn't mean that is the way in life, if they got thisty, they thought the most straight forward and intuitive sight its they take up a cup, fill up the water, and drink it. 

If they hungry, they drive somewhere get the food, they eat. They happened to have an outing with a guy or another girl, they go to couple dates, the double dates, and seeing a movie. Seeing a movie doesn't require to hold a hand, but you mean that is "without you."

You want to validate every account, you need to find a way to validate none of them think of any of you girls, no matter what I Anna say A to Z other than everything they agree with me, because we are ALL the same facebook without you or with you in it. 

Why is that VS telling me there is a smoking cigerrate? That is not the eye bags means on her eyes? 

You write it down 100 things, "You thought", the guys seeing inside the movie ought to be thinking, literally about you. The good thing, or the good logic. Seriously. 

Don't guess, write it down per line, per statement. 


With you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7gpUuVJBZg

Without me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWlbjXwUMJI

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