
Anatomy & Physiology - The brain to the sensicle impulsive moment

When your 5 sense, including the visual sense to see, you will find out you have an autoresponder. The myelin coating of your brain its per time you keep repeating this same thought, it gets harden. Some people writes those books, so if you just copy paste the entire library book, it didn't cause a lot of the money. Or you can go to the Barns & Nobles or Amazon.

When you saying the karma in action, in speech, in thoughts. That thoughts you don't control yourself, or you diligently diverge your attention like Yogananda blue book made or says in there, you change your mood, you change your behavior, you understand yourself, so you move away not even a second on any thought, you say how the Self restrain, you had none, its how you feeling like the all world freedom under that democracy its per wordy mouthful jobs, how defeated you will feel every single time, until....when the world opens. I didn't really need any of this invisibility here.  You didn't understand one word, "Classify."

People's gambling issue are often with the attitude how one penny makes the gamble or it ends at the debts. The risk you meant the hollow eyes staring at the casino machine, or the slot machine chewing it a gum, the machine tooooo low on your height, and you cannot tell the high tech camera just about everywhere, the privacy protect whom you are, exactly what your GPA or the transcript to look like, the convivence of your education were starting the heromone liver center during this growning up pain. You really cared or else you won't even think about it. 

The Nerve System is how you feel, correct.

You saying your per body skin cell will feel, its 100% true. Including you washing your head skull with the finger nail to scratch or the finger tip you feeling, you didn't washing your hair for 7 days. The temperature too hot. In some worlds your merits didn't run thin, that is what I will tell you.

When that one day, you meant which merits of the physical to define....a body science.

Or the world scenario will never arrive. You Thank God every dime....its your ignorance, you didn't care enough.



In the finger tips of the .....finger prints, its where other than the voice high tech, you saying which bracket of the high tech, you are in this world. To a lot of the movies scene, some security of people are required including in our Iphone today, you are starting to seeing some of this technology when you first turning on your phone.

This finger tip or the finger prints identification, you will say to the police station or the immigration the first time entering upon the US, its one of the things you will realize, that temperature of the finger tip to any kind of the race people in which indoor, their office made of the air-circulation with or before you seeing a real Judge. Its not a sweaty scenario. You saying the metallic of all the high tech, or you saying the hardware case design, its just a box. Or the phone you saying that is the scrolling feature touch-and-feel, that is a soft glass they create from someone other company, they bought it to...input in the products.



The on stage performance are similar to some of the piano performance on the stage, the concert stage. Its very similar indoor when the crowd a little. Its just the interior design one is luxury with the big expensive piano black color in front of a judge. But these stage place how the public performance before they start, its all this a lot more chill back stage drapes things in the dark light, if just walking those floor, if not the wood you seeing not tiles styles, you just stand there 10 mins holding up a microphone up til the center attention, til you yourself, or you with the groups show up, at this very airy cold place.

If you are a dancer scenario with the outfit, by the 2 mins starting, its just like the ice skating rink, that no matter how cold that ice rink everyone knew the air circulation reason, you finish the warm up, just going around and around the circle. It looks nothing to you....

You just didn't know how to keep going the circle, you finish your 4 limbs torsal every parts of the piece ligament turn with those 4 corners jobs, with a camera seeing you are just the human worlds they are toooo nervous in the middle of those icy floor. Without the ET or the high tech, no one will find out.

How each per ligament, you keep going that one circle around.

Define to me

What is the warm up means.

I can personally telling you of the last video...per palm -to wrist...

A guy like this, they are way tooooo tall and body has no burden on keep going in life, without one chemistry felt like the moon or tide.....


The ancient embarks some of the things are for them only.....


My brother does that very well in China 2010. Dressing the gay clothing. That 10 align, 3 of them will be.....none removable human starting opening up your mouth.

Everything effortless its not applicable.  Some human didn't one waste lifetime, one full lifetime jump, fliip, bounce, and those the guy's percentage will be half eternity way too higher than the average all the other half eternity, really.

Too hard.




The waist is not hurtful?

Per count numbers, that is thousand times already torn. You know where that indicates at.

You didn't pay attention to twist, the 360 degree, you will realize, how the butt to your central force of that...you saying you don't know how anyone else felt....per monthly moon and tide.

That entire middle points all around suppose to be the muscle only, meaning the fat when people gain the weight tooo overly. Sit on the chair like me none movable.

So the only things left, its your behind.

That entire pelvic behind, anywhere you saying you probably remember the kidney or the urination track whole system you define as the elimination system.

Not the reproduction system.

The elimination of the urine from the pee place, about a small hole at in the all women's population.

vs blood its from vigina.

There is a bigger place, you saying, either you are scared, or you also feel bad, or too nervous, every time you visually nervous, your entire body breath is shrinking, and you bend down cramp, nothing but keep shrinking more and more and more, cannot stop cramping felt, you cannot even tell the guy what that means

C r a m p.

Its not a thing you can do, in the front abdomen.

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