
Anatomy & physiology - the cell aspect

Inside the cell, 

It was in my middle school, we memorize the each individual component of all the name inside, the power factory, one of that.

I assuming when people prepared the pre-med, or the MCAT, there is a reason why their subjects to be tested on its the bio-science. Its every living things, you be the medical doctor, every sensicle idea. 

That definition its one cell. Every time they talk about it. Its one literally, one cell and every cell the internal structure looks about the same identical, just the outside are not the same. If you looking at the muscle cells.

When the practical aspect of the lab comes to in mind

That liquid measurement are often its the chemistry side. A lot of the concept if there is a part of the medicine goes in it. But you say, its all starting at the PCR, and none of the other synthetical drugs or the measurement or the instrument in another sphere of the science fiels are relevant. 

Because you don't say moles.

You say quantitatively .....meaning you use a test tube, or those mini-very small tubes, you put the dry ice in it, and your finger touches, and exploded. 

So its not one cell

Of course, its not one cell. You probably will tell me you buy how much what, to what on those power point slide. Whichever the words anyone uses, including i use. The purchase lists, and you will define to me the one organism its literally a cell. 

Because the PowerPoint slide are toooooo giant to look at it. Its true, how they present to you, because that is how you wish to purchase, and that is what they sell to you. 

Even the chemistry major like me, knows that your unit its never the moles

And your own test tubes, it will never be the power point slide, ....any of that. 

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