
Any group debates such as the Laws, the Medicine, Science in any kind such as Dr. Bing Shen's world, if he present, you don't usually talk. I don't usually talk if Westlife invite to see their studio.

But let's say I becoming part of the work in the science and the Laws.

Every time one guy talking, if everyone doesn't input something in between that conversation were exactly what he says, you can wait 1 or 2 or 3...you observe everyone in that room, its a smaller room gathering conference. You seeing enough talk, he talks again, but the second round he stop, you can raise your hand on the second or the third.

"On the first debates you were saying ABCDE, you as your presenting this case on the powerpoint slide, this is the second portion on your all the written words there, I didn't see all the words to per each slide that quick, but I heard the first discussion such as 2 people saying about .....this particular cause or the termiology, I am not quiet clear. I understood as ....this, and you were saying on the first part and the second part there, you would be say.....I think Z 26 passing this points it makes me dizzy, that is exactly what you mean?"

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