

Tina has a piano accompanist, the guy of this Tina on and on....she is tooooo popular, the moment he walks in, the which days, they go and get married, have a kid, and move to Japan. He still gone back Flushing NY, the ending of the Metro 7. Sleeping in her living room, saving the hotel costs. A lot of the guys have some reason why they believe that is their life. You can one lifetime because you preserve your parents, you know you need your parents, and even when you are greyish hair, your parents just becoming older too. They still seeing you as their kid, you grey white hair running in the house talking to them. "oh ~ today you know whom I talk and met on the road ?"

Her name is Micky.
My Y metro here has 3 Micky clothing store.


Yeah, the same girl like that Lewis Walsh, they have the kids already. They buy a lot of the Ikea furniture, imagine that is what I heard from whom. Someone cares about it....the interior design of a home.


You try to reason the life after the school. Its after that mode for some times now. You cannot always just bind to the book if you say you love the human or the guys that much.
You have to get up and do things, and try again and again. That is the part of life.

When I seeing things so far away, I also don't understand one word what everything happened. Sometimes its only in front of you, you understand. You put too much thinking inside the head. I will tell you with life, you don't do that. You cannot just entangle this guy or the girl things, and you say you have a job in front of you?
You requires a lot of the tears and talking methods with your parents.
Your dad or mom knows you are like that. You ensure its everyone else accept the way you are.

I don't have a certain language not in English, not in Chinese. Not even dad or mummy. When you say 2 people get together, you need a reality on the money, or the time to make the career, and including everything else tidy inside your own personal space. The diet, the exercise, the sleep hours. I didn't have a job that time, that much...right now, a whole sky its in front of me. You didn't want to make anything accommodation for anyone, not just for one guy.
You live in the comic book and the novel. One of those romance novel might be sexual too. You understand those English, I am too busy to even know that per word means.

You took Wing as your authority guy, he is just a regular guy. You wish everyone is an authority, and then you go and step on them. I don't have a dad? He left middle school, none of that planning in life its what you wish someone tells you what to do, but you all desperately to immediatley blame on him, blame to in-laws. You can just walk away any telephone number inside the house.
"Not home."
"Don't care."
"He says he will be back."
"Not sure."
"His phone is paid by remote cards."
"The phone card is the long distance on the area code."
"Say again, sorry, say it again, I have to make the food."
"He drives for a living, so his freedom endow anywhere he feels like."
"No, no one says that. I say that."


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