
๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ The Hunger Game and the Catching Fire ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ (Anatomy or Physiology )

This is a funny feeling .....The anatomy 206 bones on Shane's video.


Isn't ๆฅŠๆด‹ name in it, I just hear that again !!!

I just don't literally die on the television, that is what I will tell you.  And you all just imagine you coming in to move me, or you literally have to open your mouth on this Hunger Game / Catching Fire, anything on the Anatomy or the Physiology, because....maybe you all bring your own personality character in itself. 

๐ŸŒŸFor this TV 

I don't think I talk to that Riley supervisor to the kids guy.....you all go and beating up your guys inside your own home without your parents, you literally putting your hand on hitting or arguing only? Maybe "in the formality" I think I say advance civilization its MD and PhD, or  ++++++ all kinds of the PhD or MD psychiatry included.....not standing like a monkey.

Be liberated like the monkey. That Riley I think he is a human. Not looking like neither, the eye glasses between the Wallace next by or Riley, or Scott. I think more like an Asian those per number degree temperature will sound like he knows how to do their kid numbers running in the hall or set the room temperature. Maybe he is on the ground.

Do you know since 2014, the poison or the 2017 5 Lords Reviews, including Babaji 2018-2020, and this year pain killer patch

I want to tell you these pain are horrific, just looking at that TV, I cannot breath one second of it. I hold on to talk about it, not I literally want to or wish to ever doing this ever ever ever again. 

๐ŸŒŸThe bone and the physics laws the themaldynamtic laws 3 on Earth. The Newton Era after, those laws.

Tell me, the third law on the ice skating pushing the wall and your bone or your surface skin, how that work together if you knuckles yourself rock on the table, not on the ground. 

No, I am listening to the music to write my daily blogger. A Day in Life: Westlife song


The bone or the skeleton as your overall body structurre, your gonna debate me the body has a structure, so inside its empty, like your brain, or Zen like? Whichever this Bio AI or AI itself they scan like yesterday that commander-in-chef, and me. Dependes on which one of us the brain is more void ....

The 206 bones, literally explains to me, what is 206 means. 

Voice Memo: I have to type, this is a Day in Life.....Its typhoon on my roof, really........Outside.


๐ŸŒŸWhen you making a body like that physiology textbook, its only 2 textbook.

The anatomy and the physiology. You saying using that physiology book how to make the bones, can you? Any dead body bone per degree you pick it up? And where you would be doing that jobs, picking up a bone? A chicken, the angel's wing? You eat with your front teeth bite on it, or the behind teeth grand on it, you ever have a real teeth problem yet? I had....and those are the pain in hell. I used to be taught a textbook theory, and really having that, my entire left body because of this roller blades.

The teeth itself you thought no nerve on it, its my entire other teeth all together pain together. that is a horror for me to realize. The whole skull of it. The dentist MD is a real MD? Your teeth is a structure of the bone, or you don't know, or you are not sure if the teeth its a bone, or the nose if that is a cartridge? That is not a real bone. And your bone skull, is the skull not a stick bone to pick up in BTX, someone always has a bone of doing that swing myself to imagine to look at, how many times I keep doing this anatomy, not the physiology.....the cell theory starting at the cell which part of the idea, you saying how you define one single cell? Ameba, in the children encyclopedia, they will tell you a sense or your school middle school?

The cell must not be exposed to the salt water or else will?

Be dead inside out....what?

What thing coming out of what?

No, not the blood. God's creation under this map or no map, you have an idea of the DNA dogma, what is that, the process to?? 

This entire bodily structure why it comes to an existence? To live and to breath. Without breathing you cannot live, you cannot leap, you cannot jump forward, you cannot swing or drive a car. Why you have to create a body? Or else you don't have an experience in life with the 5 sense. 

Tell me what do I do for a living? 

Your face jaw is a bone line, but you saying in English as the "jaw line", and you are debating the plastic under the lips that jar, has a m upside down? A lot of people only has a triangle jaw line. Mine is m upside down. It makes your face big, including your make-up on this cheek bone. Tell me if they name or label as a "cheek bone", it means its a bone, or its a skin? You mean how to re-create your face or just that area?

Just that area.

But if the jaw this bones your two hands can hold, you cannot change that, that is a part of your skull, meaning your brain. You cannot change any part of that jaw line all the way to your ear behind, that is the brain encage behind, do you see? In front you have the eyes, that is not the brain, at least you know that?

The spine, the central nervous system short name as CNS.

You know what is the voluntary or the involuntary nerve system, meaning without the brain to consciously control your own breathing while you are singing or typing the keyboard all the same time, but if you a lot more taking care of your body after your parents fix your teeth, you will reminder yourself to breath with your mouth close, breath with you are the girl, hold up your chest breast, and breath with your nose. Feeling immediately better? Breath 5 times? 

If you straight out your spine while typing, because you will only be reading me effortlessly, I have to keep typing with my 10 fingers none stop moving, so if I leave my 2 arms on the table I straight up my spine behind, I am too tall on my back up with the chair to my monitor. I don't really need an eye glasses to read, these are in English, the words are small on this Chinese interface character.

Once I switch to English entire monitor, its right click, I see only English, they are the smaller font. Its funny how I used to reading the Chinese, now are that in English. When you google search its very different felt. 

No, the sense its not part of your structure. Its you perceiving how you feel.

No, the sensicle issue of your saying the humanity, is at your heart center, not necessary you keep saying the physical heart, or your New Age a word Chackra. 

No, your feeling didn't got encaged inside your body, its beaming with your body. 

No, you have the physical body must co-exist reason you saying having the divine psychi sense or the psychi connection.

No, your physiology books will have to give you a reason how to create a body to where it contains at. Meaning the compartment of your per organs, that one thing makes you feel.

No, the compartment its not limited to the bone. The bone coming it down as if those rollercoaster idea, its to safeguard your front, while hitting at with a bare hands. Inside they are all mushy blood/ flesh made of the muscle red tissues. 

No, the muscle its around the compartment lining, 

No, the division of the compartment, you define this word to me, is that where hold your organs, so which are those are the organs inside your body, and where you define there is a bone to hold it. or the stomach lining its inside.......and what's that lining to ulcer and outside the stomach as being the One and the Same thing, one and the same stomach thing?

Explain to me.

No, your textbook didn't literally saying that kind of the statement away from what I say. I just ask you in general what you understand that one physiology textbook, because I create or invented that map? I say you literally NEED to create a body I hardly keep saying that, so I say I create.

Its the same thing I keep repeating you need to use that one physiology textbook to create ONE literal standing, walking, breathing living being from God. God given its breath and life force to carry on in life, to experience in life.

Your sensicle parts its you imagine you are humanitarian. That SMCH is always TV herself as the humanitarian without a degree, you trying to say not billions philanthropist. That statues will change so soon with these green kids, if their pa or grand pa landing them one extra zero, that is a philanthropist, not the humanitarian on that SMTV, on this planet, such as so big deal. 

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