
I am watching this Legally Blonde just by chance, almost toward the end.

The exercise and fitness.

No sound

Video 1: https://youtu.be/AGx8TpP_7hk

Video 2: https://youtu.be/RQuGCRaV8Ow

That graduation lady, old, were someone reminds me in my elementary school, wearing the eye glasses dark hair wearing the eye glasses. None of them are white, I can tell you that.

There is some division between East current since 1911, to Western World movie Hollywood on.

Not the Ancient Chinese spirituality, and making your words clear, and as a girl to given some supports for the guys, if just for your IQ problems, not on the hair that kinds of, I am sure this kind of the looking its very ..."evident" from a daughter if you saying it that loud yourself. You never seeing me playing around, for saying bind to my chair, not one extra human in my life other than one nick and my mother, you don't take that since the first life to be that jailing, isn't it? 

There is the color of the soul define not by the hair. Sometimes they say purple, or violet. New Age child born its a lot of those the world people putting some money at their baby and the baby's education.  They all look like the kids whenever I grew up passing my 30 years old, every that newspaper I have to write that myself.

The murder trial like the instructor showing it to you because he is a license bar lawyer. The Judge told you that. So you examine everyone around their schooling certificate. Not the high school to wear a suit like that sit there to play the big shot, not really.  You endanger to the Judge. This is the murder trial. It looks like one of those someone shows you once ....remember the rest of it.

I always end up to be that lucky. If you doing your whole life time, first time applying to the US school without a help. No parents, no sibling, no big brother to talk to, not even an uncle.

You always have to make it in front of the fake, almost every single time. If you doing that so often, I am very sure every time, you seeing a situation, it will not be the mouthful tooo big of a job, if you even a girl, to be honest. 

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