
I rules this Earthly worlds, its the entire torus masscred, in the 4 limbs in short every new born, got it? Wing and Lee must die.....understand?

This games called your imagination or any daring to make an air out of your lungs, you see you have the power or the TV, or I say in the End, how everyone Ends.


This conversation is over.

You all too intelligent civilization women world. That is a no and no to every manhood. You want me to say that again? They coming here to fuck around. Not necessary its for that one penis or the money talks.

Not entirely its like that.

You imagine a certain Tv how they saying about the guys. No, its all false. You probably label that words as the lust. The every guy born with you saying a stick, they have a certain operation inside their brain that is how life function, that will including every body surface touch, they didn't feel all that ashame one day they grow from the boys to the man, and one day to your own whichever outside civilization other than us. We die out.

Very limited Earth years.

A lot of this TV saying some of the boy's character intent to put forth that the girl believes, none of that are correct neither, a lot of them got trained into, at least on our earth, they are very flesh, meaning sensicle to a lot of the issue, less to say the penis idea. I can tell you that. Most the girls like you will swing...one swing, the guy means you go to hell forever. You understand that language?

One jaw touch, and you giggling to say like that Hailey, you will be dead in thousand millions pieces. That is the guy's our world standard. 

Not just the bag we the girls lost our own cell phone, or the Ipad, or the watch, any small cheap watch included, lost keys, lost records, lost the medical records. One time mistakes, because of our boyish guys more, they becoming very very very impatience. They cannot trust you, and when they inquire the local girl here, they panic. They lose the entire patience.

Because this world Earth is limited to the guy like that, to the girls like this, we are limited to 65 years old.  Every guy in our world, I will tell you, those are not the lust. Its a lot more they inche their way with the girls as the play. Just those players of the girls for saying decent, isn't a lot. They want a different guy to get their way too. Sometimes in that playing ground, because most people I will not know. Let's say its not the same money, or near the money, or some helping each other, and everyone didn't intend to hurt anyone, that relationship can last sometimes, or a while. Its not really the TV story, or the Wife of the son saying the husband will coming home.

That 26 has an investment somewhere.

Or she dares to put forth some of all that, and behind its being honest with the guy. You never live with a guy, every single day just be honest with everything coming out of your mouth. Some guys only really really really need that life.

I give you an example.

"Hi Kian, I have a period today, see ....its 2 lines parallel, and the ending....sorry the Top."

This is tooo exposed, correct. Well, you can say, "Good morning, I just woke up."

"Hi, I woke up again."

"Is this 10 oclock I fall asleep, sorry Kian, I wake up, where is Nicky?"

"I didn't think today I have to go to the parents of that Tina jojo what stuff, my mother does that."

"What? My mother import a lot of the under wears, you want to see the color, I didn't purchase this. what? Of course...everything has a reason, if you just look." 

"Hi ~ where is Shane?"

"Hi ~~ My phone broke. Its Conan Zero efforcer."

"Sorry, I forget to comment, too busy."

"Doing what? My news Tv, I show you?' Sorry, that I didn't write but I wrote it in the music site."

In our world capitalisms, correct, if the girls not careful, the guys will drop the girls over the bad health, the bad dining experience, or anything he wants something else. Those games never wane, but ....some girls are so used to be a girl, you see. 

Certain guys knows how to inch their way in, such as they all have a mother. So this world you have a dating business. You didn't say its wasteful, because some of those guys operated like that, and I will tell you, none of those are purely from lust, if this entire dictionary needs to re-write. Its a lot more the physical body touch and the games, the guy, if they understand the girls are not in one of those bad behavior, its already hard to find, just every girl you tell the guys your schedule from 8 oclock to the 9 oclock. See how he feels about you. Really.

The lust you mean its the penis. 

I will tell you the physical operation of the sex, its they like that feeling, the sensation, and just they like about the sex idea with a girl. Just not every girl operates like that. You have any a lot more interval touch, such as your body touch a women deliver baby opening? If you are a doctor to use your finger to go inside and touch the wall, you gonna tell me...this is normal, or the guys just meant they need that feels under their pants. All of those language you will tell me, how important that is. If you would masscred enough things all around, the less patience I say, its one less all your upper world women, you will find anything here really, your guys don't want you to be there, so you checking this system data where are the leak....

Are all those 26. No guys can take any of you.

When you getting just every hope UP. 

Yeah, it is a sex. Like I touch you its every skin inside make their head felt. All that, correct. Just the girls are not really up to those games, because that part its too sacred, or the guys need the sex, or one of those too dignify talks, its just the body to body per surface felt touch, if you lay an arm onto another guy's arm, he will tell you, this is no less to describe a basic definition down there, because if you saying the Creation of all God's creation, you will be less to be stupid to hurt the animal Kingdom, because they are all like that. 

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