
I used to work in CADS. So let's say everyone was in their own jobs, if that is what near me, I just need to open my mouth and ask the guys next by sometimes.

You didn't think you need to ask the guys, or you didn't think you find some help along the way. No matter what it is, say it first, see I gone back to the facebook, there was nothing but the garbage? Because you as a girl, if you want to come forward as a public more seen person....no matter what that is, the guys around you, or for saying....you collaborating enough of the guys, you know the essence of the guys, you coming to the public, there will be more of the guys you will be meeting and working at.

You cannot wait til the last minute to tell me, in your entire life, you never talk to a guy, never chat with a guy, never collaborate or a communication with a guy. Those brand new guys, you cannot handle the pressure, or you want to control every single one of them.

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