
If I just describe to Shane.....

One of this unbelievable ridiculous things, I keep saying the Capitalism under.....

Why is that he heard about something strange I would describing a what? 1 to 4 points, as a real life scene as? 

194 countries clap your hands Wo Wo Wo the first Ella Enchanted pass, it was the points of the breaking points. No one knows the reality, me neither, but there is a weakness un-return favors. That is back and forth? Let me think one Tina Jojo my real sister.....let me think about it. 

You don't think if me just telling Shane, "I think its funny...how is your day, where is Nicky?" 

"It is funny?"

"Because I describe you like from I locate here, if you seeing The Giant Landing Site, its GIANT LANDING Ship, you know the per transaction?! ITS GIANT LANDING idea. No one will believe anything I say anyway. "

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