
Is that hard to make a bread?

No. I knead my dough, Taiwan is warm. So the yeast package is very very simple. Technically if the guests coming in, its Kian and Nicky invites them. i have no guests for 20 years on and on and on.....

Pizza: I can just do a wet dough, no kneating. I think that is the sour dough idea.

Pizza 2: if its a dry dough, I kneat them. you can do a lot of this Pizza Plant on the transit going to someone's home, that way, you have this Italian Pod, or the double pizza layer.

This rectangle bread, 20 years ago Rebecca she uses a bread machine. There are many recipe if I arrive there to find their bookstore, I learn those word. I might have an electronic dictionary here if that is faster.

The Science Aspect

There is only one way doing that. Its to keep your temperature, and you looking at that thickness, and the tool they have. So the inside cooked. The rectangle breads its a thick bread.

If you saying a pizza dough, no. An Pizza Plant on Transit road those Italian pod, no.

You mean you have the package of the yeast that allow the dough to rise. You didn't put the yeast pack in, it will never rise. You give enough surface tray. 

You got nervous, or you need a recipe each and every time. Your IQ low, I keep saying that.  If you start arguing, other than just move your 4 limbs in your space and time, I typing that doesn't mean I open my mouth to talk at all. 

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