
It might be the same commander-in-chef to my anatomy and physiology I stuck everywhere on the movie !!! (Gravity, moving away, get a guy)

To move me to Ireland by tomorrow, all of you coming in because Westlife is coming to China and Taiwan. Anything else I don't know?

There is an Olympian guy - the martial artist. That would be SMCH their stuffs soon-to-be, the commercial says, "Always the same brand".

I think the weather its too hot.

You know....if a commander can be stuck in the situation like 1 and 2 and 3 all together, and then all over again, you all should try to be a commander, not just the commander-in-chef, 10 subjects line, you only need to pick ONE subject.

如果我可以困在這種情況叫做不只一次,你們現在有個冬奧,意思是說越南小尼姑的東西是她什麼都不需要做的意思 ...

天氣太熱了 ! 我會這樣告訴你們,因為中午我不太能澆水,早上可以,非常溫度 okay, 是電線 ! 真的~相信我 !!!

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