
OU Language

1. 2. 3 .4

4 cakes

Whirlpool   fruity  fruity  fruity   (put on the table) - entire black background wall


C = evolutionary biology, the singing bug, you sing? 

You see your Son, his name is William? So this B would be?

You have seen the looking glass, somewhere? 

You are the 4th. She has 2 husband, or she married to which husband, the military? Sorry, Andrew. Normally every criminal justice money its delicate to me. Not the donation money. Its the Justice money sake.

The justice in this worlds its a purely, very simple legal process manner. Nothing called that movie justice, it told you while they assorting to each category.  Like those hard case of a DVD, not CD. Its flip open or close, but they are the TV monitor those materials, not the CD.

However, how the clapping of the world views, it did sound funny. They have so much to say this DVD hardcase box.

Those are 2 military younger too. They were handsome or their mood were lighter, side by side. Its a Royal something ( / not military or its the military uniform), they 2 are like your father? You like them? They are no longer together with her.

But you will.


She is a Queen, everything is different as all that included. She is a Queen. They are not in the same space anymore, they have no obligation anymore when you saying people deceased, they are very gentler person, or they just all looking younger to me. Teens./ 20s.

Or she is old, very very old with the eye glasses.

Yeah she is facing...9 oclock, sit, fat.                                          2 somewhere or leaving.

I think you will be together with her once again.

You like the cake? That is what I mean. That entire sequence and look ....you should know. That is why I told you.


White buttom shelf, the external layer, or unless inside I never see it.


No chocolate sprinkle. Its just white external all walls too. But it is as that too when its on the table or that is not a table, just a space. Imagine the room can see, the background its black.

It is the fruits like the picture in Pinterest. I got up?

I don't eat cakes, thanks anyway.

I take a piece. Its the fruits inside. They are the pirates under the moonlight ? No, they are the crystal skulls? It looks to me both human, I am telling you, but that division is far away anyway, the physicality can be perceive are 2 human forms.

No, they are the crystal skull. With a jaw and teeth, up or down. The movie are look with the eye balls in. The crystal skull has no eye balls? Sort?

There is that short hair blondie Sailor Moon Military, he got freeze behind an interface. The birds sound.

I think a lot of these New title of someone all of them cannot stop fighting in front of me.

That soon they will be + moving in all those skull by, that is a part of the Matrix, don't you agree? They are the technology. Meaning programmed. You cannot legally killing any flesh, bone, blood being, but as you are told, these new soon-to-be princess and prince, cannot live without, what you gonna do?

The faith makes them be more princess like.

"You can spend the whole life through..." (Lake House)

Its not real, but its needed. Even I know that fact as early as....anything before landing in Vancouver. That will be 2015. They just really needed this written down words, you all meant, its a Bible saying, anyway? The legal prove, or proven like the OU language.

Let me see. 

I mean my UB side of those human, Ola and Fatima are the loudest cannot shut up or doing things everywhere inside their brain and soul, and mind. 

So Brian?

You like McDonald?


I didn't write every word in front of it. I starting whichever I thought I did on the transcription.

That was my brother position. Bliss. He is.

That line would be as "I just read at random okay?"



or rar, which zip file extension words the ending?  Its  .rar

rear mean your rear light, the rear car light. Behind your car, anyone whom owns a car or drives a car know that tail light behind. Nissan Altima, I have fix my rear light. You all own a car. Wing was. No....Mike has. I don't think...clearly anyone else I seeing their car very very clearly. Not I sit in it.

(Yes, Master)

Pyo is love

Not because name is bliss and love

Its not (AI pronounce as 腦 鬧  )

Pi = sent = 派 or Pee il

NBA, or Nb n is _____ and ______

At my book 7th page down, there is "Not" pronunciation as the word I written you above. 1 page =2 sheet. Its on the 7th page.

Its the attribute

= I T A

Amo cake? The diamond here in the Taipei Station. You all visit, or that is today someone coming in other than any of you coming in to take a photo anyway? So pump up, you have to move up your space and time, never stop collecting the evidence to your claim, never stop running at it, toward it, that height spirits will quaint your ego so well, flying high. Even Yuri supposes to seeing all that, one comic book.

Just to make a list, that is the location. Taipei Train station, the Amo cake on the ground lobby. I walking at Wallace and Mark wall, someone was on the phone? One of that side.

The attribute of God head comprises everything.

TA again.

TA o G (is that oh my God? oh ~ om)

TA o G hc, not hp Adam Davis printer I say refilled, Hp5550 unlimited refill?

TA o G hc e

I see....hv=E=c / 入 (enter, the Chinese word, that means someone is a virgin? )

Dean was not in our physics lab. Wing was?  Hira, Fatima, Jonathon, Wing and me and Ola.

The God head has all the attributes

They are the political riot everywhere.  TYG?

TGYF? Is that Friday? Thank God something Friday?

TG h h ata

no, the codon to start something new in the RNA codon chart its not ata. No. Lee knows that.

AUG is the most common START codon and it codes for the amino acid methionine (Met) in eukaryotes and formyl methionine (fMet) in prokaryotes. During protein synthesis, the tRNA recognizes the START codon AUG with the help of some initiation factors and starts translation of mRNA.

Can somebody be that maid, too many words here. 

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