
Physiology (starting from the cell )

One single unit of the cell, what is the definition of that? 

Is that your finger tip? I have found some unbelievable things you all doing inside your brain. What is a a cell mean?  Its the textbook they draw and show you the cell theory the internal structure? Right  ...? I thought so. 

Since the day it is know as "Anatomy and Physiology" to "Anatomy" and then "Physiology" and then "Anatomy & Physiology", so one day Zawanna decides and told me, its "Physiology". Going on for some times I stuck, and stop, or drawing, or this typhoon everyday.

Today You had this Anatomy and Physiology and 

Its Physiology. So to that entire process you don't remember. I actually remember I wrote all that and inside your every internal brain how you would have told me, how I talking about a certain thing including the Sailor Moon, Lee's ATP this one simple concept, that time was to more of the 2021, or the idea 2022, or 2023. Not coming or coming toward you all Green kidos. I describe that process again.

"Anatomy and Physiology" 

to "Anatomy"

and then "Physiology" 

and then "Anatomy & Physiology", 

so one day Zawanna decides and told me, 

its "Physiology". Going on for some times I stuck, and stop, or drawing, or this typhoon everyday. And I say American Medical Board won the lawsuit.

So today I must tell you something, what is a cell means inside any body? 

I hold it for a very long time. Because I repeat I spitting the blood on the Flower Thousand Bone (2015)  about a several time, one time in 2021, when we found something then again in 2023 this year.

I know what is a diagram when they say that is the cell structure. Of course I seen it. In my middle school textbook. I had one year general biology in high school. I didn't put the biology in my study, remember the 2nd categories? Right now you happen to have a patent prove, what the material science, that is without the bio. So in the biology, we will talk about the cell, not just the DNA.

And where are the DNA anyway? You draw me a full body, seriously.

The full body any kind of the diagram its a full human body, describe to me where or how you drawing the red or yellow or aura, anything that one full body in front of you.

I draw the map, I know how to draw a full body, and what is a full body? I want to know too. What is a full body diagram.

You can draw a several chart to tell me the circulation system included. The circulation means the artery, vein and capillary. The artery into the heart that is the artery, correct. 

So any diagram just all insert in, to give me a sense a piece of the body, or a full body chart, some how demonstrate what is the circulation concept and the artery, vein and capillary. 

1. A cell inside a body means
2. Or a cell diagram

3. The full body diagram, the cell idea.

4. The full body diagram, show me the circulation system.

5. Like those heart means artery going in, vein going away from the Heart.

6. Any a piece of the body or the full body give me a sense what I am asking you. Any kind of the diagram is fine. Describing this 1-6 with your explanation. Meaning not just the diagram. You need to write some words next by the diagram you copy paste, or you draw that yourself. 

I actually seeing some real surgical work from a kid promise. Tell me, this is not my hands? The first 15 second.


And why it has to starting at DNA level?

That is how a man and a woman met. Anything?

MD doesn't need to know the chromosome, probably.

For saying the DNA dogma give rise a human body from the small tissues that can be transplant in your world to every burn degree of the fire hazard situation. Such as our face, and can regain that back. That is the tissue idea in our world, VERY VERY important. The organ is too much risk of the exposure of the bacteria infection in the 2 different host, if saying the organ is not like a piece of tissue inside the petri-dish.

I guess I am saying inside the body fluid structure of the internal fence, such as the surface skin to shield these wind or temperature from the internal body blood stream temperature going through the brain, or the heart, it has to be exactly not to fluctuate whenever they feel like.

Right? At least you know that?

And why we need a circulation system again inside your body, through the blood vessels. What are the blood vessel specific name? 

I am telling you, I am so afraid since 2021, never end if someone told me its my hand.

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