
Psychology - per thought, per act, per doing

Living hell with this Tina Jojo GPA 1.0 - LOW IQ.

People take the advantage of you (4:36)



The bad face women


Domino: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rCq5fizlywo

Dance: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FYpRwIjw6ks

A lot of this IQ issues will be filtered, where you want to see yourself going. Keep your 4 limbs clean, and your face washed, those tape water are free. The warm water for the 4 limbs, just put it in and soaked. Those the free things in your life right now.

Queen Card: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JVyRg0lz6HM

You care about this

Of course you care about this. You remember your prom date, and you are not very very near any guy's arm, let's even they put their hands around your chair, you reacting somewhat as a girl. You can just when its done, get up, calling back, bye the next semester.  When you don't have a lot of this near by, you thinking a lot of day time night time too. Any proper communication you need to write your diary more often, get your feeling out, including how much you love this guy or seeing him handsome, or including he broke your heart. You did a lot more this diligent working on yourself, one day you will tell me. That has pass a part of your life. 


Look at this video

You identify this 2 people, what does it look to you? He is not sure how to seeing the mirror in front of him at this hands touching where on his collar. He never done that thousand time, he was only 18 years old, or 20 years old. You seeing a guy like that, you seeing a girl next by. You doing some of the mirror job, let's say you capable to fold that collar, all of this are the make-over jobs, nothing in the brain.

In this world, that make-over jobs its exactly what the TV telling you, you know what they say? If your IQ is stabilize on which methods in any given realm, that world, of anything you are indispensable, you will be transformed, that is what the movie over all keep coming out in this make-over or make vola scene. Movie: She is all that, included. That kind of the talk didn't die out even today's American idol those similar show format, you saying Adam Levine, you saying Voice.

Your typing in English is not a problem your communication in English is not a problem, your head set phone is not a problem.

You speaking in Chinese is not a problem, typing is not a problem included.

A lot of people get nervous on a lot of space, that is a crowd people-to-people place, and I am telling you most of them are very very blind. The way you putting a brand new dress if you getting this international trade in the mail or the first time you trying the mail order in 7-11, not the credit cards in Asia here. Anytime of this expose to the air all around you, its very very nervous to you.

You seeing above her, that light label? I can see.

That guy's navy shirt, yellow words? I can see.

Microsoft on the left, that distance? I can see.

Near the ceiling light, those black things, I am not sure if that is sprinkler or camera, that is Tony's job. I can see. 

Yellow sock, and the shoes without the heel, I can see. That is not a sneaker shoe. 

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