
Since I am ruling the world. That is the American medical board says. I tell you what you all should be doing. The police dialing to the universal police - guidelines.

They have a method runs at the leadership, and since this movie materials are not exactly at...our Earth says agreeable democracy under for since 1776, you have this very very bad characters, on Earth they will be all going to the jail.

Outside, they stay where those worlds to be.

So these are the universal police, some are here on Earth, including Asian girl.

You line up, the police, the fire department, public hygienic, and this similar to Taipei tape water factory (underground water)

Talking this laws to laws outside exactly.

The military forces are hostile, correct, right outside. 

These entire TV materials are nothing but these I line up those 1) Police Station 2) Fire man department 3) Public hygenic, Tape Water Factory/ or the underground processing department. These are still the legal measurement you and them communication through the outside, and get these laws settle per this face values say. Its very dirty and careless.

You only need to sort this 100 years, 4 of these entire TV cases.

Suspend the house

The bank mortgage freeze included

Not on fire, the hair, not those dusty ash I keep saying it 2018-2020, sewing your clothing keep running the humility running deep

You go by per movie check-out materials, get those done. 

Some of that jobs are the Pixie. The fire department on the appearance - the humility running deep outfit like Hailey. Any time you seeing this time, its the first records on the first impression only. So you get lawful to those details per movie, just targeting these 4 things.

Every world outside has this real functional PM, or maybe in our case its called the president. The real functional. They don't change them that often, meaning its the public agreeing them staying there. Not the jailing records, its a real world to world, threatening each other on the education included. All these leadership has a jail or something, the public will find out.  The universal police will tell you, those leadership has to meet up the education like or else Prince Han.  And per degree of understanding the humanity. Any world you imagine you board on. Its the universal police's free will when or how they feel like. I will be similar to those outside. Kail, Zawanna, Indian this guy, Ancient Chasez (?), Tim Cook that PM, and a young rulership of that Fatima slavery labor at. 

So I go by that universal police. You can inquire to the American whomever, probably the medical board if they willing to talk to the Universal police about their brand new reality, or they just need to jail on earth, die on earth. Outside you are full of the potential, I can tell you that.

Some of this TV or the movies, You check on the profit = are they seriously the classify materials, or if there are any Universal police came to accord those verdict included not just Earthly. I cannot understand a thing. My memory runs short.

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