
Some guys don't have a literacy...๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–

Just go to those psycho girls talking about their feeling, how much they miss you those kinds. The girls they have one of those things, the guys, most time its in one of those youth skinny group the other day we seeing that, they buddy together.


๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’– In life, you must have some girls pursues you inside your own very world, whatever that worlds are, especially in America. If you just buddy together to travel to Europe, there are tons of those girls buddy together. You don't get yourself endanger like Dean.

๐Ÿ’– Why do I need you all go and get a relationship manual?

You are not happy in life, you say you are not looking, you keep your entire focus attention on those fake tape. Inside a real life, its ...per monday dragging the trash out. In the West World, you have to know how the entire capitalism set up, its to drive a car to know somewhat mechanical, or the seasonal check-up your own car. 

The laundry

The carpet cleaning or the floor cleaning.

The water pipe.

The cooking, or the grocery shopping. With nick, we never really buddy at the grocery, you used to have a perfect bf or the ex husband, you didn't just copy paste the entire isle down all this new vocabulary on the per isle checking, to see per ingredient. 

Never mind, your car, the car gas, the budget, the book keeping.

The house, the house tax, the building tax, the tax season, the excel sheet. With one Wing, he is a maid for your excel sheet, because we used to have only a few of us gone to Dr. T's TA Amy to learn that sheet, so they know about this Lotto things.

Jonathon, Wing, and me....Fatima might be. 

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