
The Blue book, only the first story. Not those students left the school, and even the brother and sister picking up each other? No....you staying inside the school. Study and joining like the comic book ~ every comic book has this club talking.

Here is the SA. The blue comic book.

No, not the rest of the story. That is 2 people. While you are in the school, that is a healthy environment you go and see 100 people. Join a conversation, hanging out a group of other people, talking to the people right or left. Not outside the school building. 

Staying inside the school building. The first story.

With the guys, you need to make the money and have a solid career. Like right now my brother are so much younger than me, you know what is a mother and an older sister does? Raise him up no matter what age that is. They are the same freaking it out by the age 60.

A lot of this book, you saying what you cared the most were when you were in the teens, your father or your mother, or you might be in a much better environment than a lot of us. So you saying that house, the housing options you can stay indoor to read a comic book.

I am on my balcony on the clouds....

Sometimes not everyone will be put on a seat to do a lot more works. But when that opportunity just reading out loud a textbook, and staying indoor, and flash flash flash the photo stream, I didn't think that 10 rudimentary subjects are that difference, just say it in English.

That is the only things difference.

I have heard some people might be still having your own perfect grown up room. The same interior decoration or the personal objects or including the personal comic books, like you have a Friday night or the weekend, you staying on your bed, a very poor light, and you read some part of your childhood things. Those are all your freedom doing so.

But with the guys, you have to literally going out to smile, to talk, to be on the phone. Or you build up your past leadership, and still be more outward to join a lot of those conversation. Not at home with your 2 legs up on the bed to read a comic book? And the career to build? Everyone is still on the go with the career, for saying if anyone has a 17 years old bf or gf, the first in love....I think some people so far away grown out of all that.

You know how many times this ....

Westlife - Amazing video on the ground, a literally not fall out of the relationship to delicate your works load, its to carry your bag imagine ~~ its none related.

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