
The Leadership

You mean its sound like the elementary school, the middle school, the high school again? So the American University bothers you, its a big classroom, or everyone its a lot more attire inside the school walking campus?

Everyone is a pre-med major or pre-pharmacy, one of those, or accounting.

oh ~! 

Gilmore Girl



On my first year high school, beside the volleyball team we have to be there every morning and shine, we have an original class, that is not like America, you changing the class to class by per period of time or the locker's tradition. Therefore that one year we have one fix classroom, with the Perfect, the Public Relation and the rest of about 40 students, maybe we have like 45 student per one class. One year there are 25 classes total, and that entire campus are the 3 year, 75 classroom in the building that is fix.

So the participation of this ABC taller girl from the Gun and Guard team, its a more bigger girl too, she is a lot more American culture, so doing things a lot more aggressive.

Evergreen, that girl I think its the number 1 GPA, did she or was she ever be a Perfect during those time, I will tell you I forget. But one PR I think its near by....One year, its 2 semester.

In that class, we have me volleyball team, and the basketball team. So you saying the actively will get involved anything the Perfect say, its the girls have to agree to go near by that group. Its no more this grade 1, or the middle school, or anything else. The classroom has some of this more dominating groups if you go near the perfect.

On the second year we assort into the category 1 and 2 and 3 for the examination soon in the end of the third year. Most people will tell you, they go to the school, its to take the exam and pass that to the college. I don't think I had any reality check or else I would probably just be more cared in those school year, if I staying in Asia.

Every leadership you seeing the participating members to coming near, it won't matter which bracket of that group of the people.

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