
The Studio apartment


Where do you get those shower curtain on that bar?

The Bath & Beyond or Amazon.

And the drape?

You mean the plastic transparent those, or you mean the cloth inside has a plastic, that is the 2 piece, when you hook those ring, you need to stretch your neck double times length to keep your neck and your hands steady there to hook it.  The cloth curtain and the plastic shower curtain your water coming at it, you leave the cloth outside the bath tube, but the plastic inside the bath tube. You understand?


She has a kid in the end. 

How do you secure a table lamp? You usually mount them, the monitor, or the TV monitor the same, she is using those portable shelf, shelving. Movable, and right at the sun. Portable that is what it means. ....Meaning if you hate that windows so much, you get a piece of wood, steady between the 2 frames of the windows, that can carry the ...whichever weight of anything, you mount on it. You might just get a piece of the plaque wood, cover the 1/3 of the windows, you shift up that monitor. 

Meaning suspend in the air.


Usually in some park, they have those set up the wood picnic table, no reason to be on the grass, because they have the bugs and its sun burn right at the face.

There are some very light alumniun one side shining almost like the car cover inside the cover toward the outside sun ....that is a type of the material, to be leave it in the car, or the trunk, so at the floor.

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