
Voice Memo

I probably try to tell them (8:49)

When I was in Willis (9:14)

What Shane, Antenna (6:40)

Everything about that Twilight House.  They have no food, I can see that.

Twlight House


Music? uh ....Nick's sister has a piano. We, I never play a sound or singing that much. That is a piano. About 7 years later he heard it the first time I took Erin's electronic piano in front of him, and play. In Buffalo, my birthday, he book that CAC gala place. Its a hotel, other than the grand hotel lobby. Its a bath tubes. Because I always staying the longest time inside any bath tube. Doing castor oil on my hair.....skull pole, one of those. I am not sure its a very good idea. But for 2 weeks, you never require to wash anymore your hair, for real.  That time by myself in the bath tubes. Not the swimming pool.  Without him. I don't know where he goes.  30th birthday.  It happens very often I don't know where he is, without a phone neither. Its in America. 

Now I know, that is Carol and this nick were raw food. Carol's church from, her husband is the Pharmaceutical. She was fat. She gets to know nick, so she bought the juicer. She succeed, slim down. We been to their house. That time a church member of that women has 4 or 5 kids, mother die. Something to remove a kidney, nick didn't persuade her anymore. Its Carol told her to go and undergo a surgery. But later she died.   She did using the juicing all that. I been there once. Nick is not Dr. Gabriel, he is far away from it. He had only 10th grades. Right, he has a library, on the TV.  I didn't talk to any of that, I seen them? Hallo Goodbye?

... No. I was a long hair.  uh....with Alyssa coming over, that video, that is short hair. Its the personal video. Similar. Very similar that hair, and Nick becoming a Jasper? I am not sure, there is a kissing picture on the mouth. Side by side on purpose those kind.

When I get up from the nap. I see where its in my drawer.

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