
W Two worlds - Dr Shen without his wife, he dies. Literally !! She is a chef and an accountant and …she talks in the Asia women circle but she doesn’t bring them home.

She talks to 2 girls too. She cleans the house, every tidy things she does. She keeps things neat. She did.  

小龍 has a mom too. Almost like Lauren but in Asian California all those upper, someone will knew that one lady since WWII photo. The current major’s great grand mom. The one married to the great grand dad. If Simon without Lauren gonna die, well, I am not sure what’s real not real…Simon he is a gossips guy. A lot of the guys like to hear the gossip not necessary they know the gossip.  Yeah I heard about half second her sound cut off from the camera. I think it’s a lower pitch. She can calm Simon down if that’s her only job, or if she had a condition or what. She didn’t go to college. 

No, I never hear she talks.

Simon is not Dr Shen. Dr Shen I told you he needs his wife !! I say that thousand times not gazillion times. If you sort that W two worlds, starting with the wife part. That will sound better. She didn’t do anything else. She goes to his any friend he collect other establish family with the kids to go to the college. They play the cards. 4 of those elite Asian established guy’s family. Probably all scientists too, not sure ….

She doesn’t have anything else in life other than 2 girls. + a job.

They have to send money back to China.

If you don’t push him to the edge, he won’t be like that. But someone probably needs to tell him something.

1. Keanu Reeve

2. Him.

2015 I told him something from me. I was decoding the poetry from SMCH - my mother told me his daughter just got married to a guy. So I told him in the email. He and my mom came. I ran off the door from their CA contact person mailing list email. I cannot be there at the Watermarke. You ask him, he remembered. But none of us got told this W 2 worlds. 

You can tell him the Ella Enchanted was the year he came and saw me. And if every time they do things like that, I flip out. I am not the actual military, just the civilian. My heart flips out. I literally walking out of the back door waiting in the darkness somewhere has a white light, I sit at there bench. These released date might be earlier. 

I think ….he keeps his wife. Because … I think he likes the academy’s inside world. He is capable. The higher he can stretch he will. But it might be someone died, he got told something but, nobody knows what that is. Some people they talk like that. 

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