
When I say I vacant myself, its like you imagine in your end of the 10 years .....right?! I only had a mother I yelling at. You will be discussing with your groups of the friends, if you are coming in.

When I yell out, I believe there are the helps. You can say maybe none.

Well, then you staring at the empty vacant spot until you figure it all out.  You want to imagine your own - the end of the 10 years? 

I dealing with the guys before....you mean I will get nervous a brand new life, you mean you vacant your entire human race just you one person coming in? You imagine things.

You are driven by the TV to do things?  Here are really really really capitalism, no church idea as your decoration as much in America. The math, the science, and the organization. And you will be staring at by the people.

When I grew up, I thought it was my face look.

That is an issue, real in life, you gonna tell me its your moral issue, or your survival instinct? Staring across !! The mainland. Or you yourself coming from mainland.....and you gonna say the language or the manner, or the accent or the culture has to be less "Big La la"? 大拉拉

Everyone has a certain behavior here. North side here.


In life, you cannot set a thing fix or not fix. Because as you grew upon that 20 to 30 years old, everyone has a doubt. Then one day you keep growing that life mild to do things, not to get edge upon everyone's good or not good. A lot of time those first impression you just have to deal with it of somethings, or just passing it by.

A lot of the people will fix their own circle of the world. True. 

But everyone all has a passing. That passing its in the Bible when the God told you, to that every degree if you are that Christian side. You doing it for that reason, I thought that is at least the teaching is.

If you seeing someone tear one piece of the cloth, or the pain killer patch, and look at you while doing that. 

And put it on you,

Secure that patch, tape that patch, and just sit there with or without a sound, just doing all that.

Correct, that is a script. 

You have a lot of this you hate this person or you must smile at this person. Its just one tiny thing you do, to almost a stranger person in front of you. 

You hardly need one conversation. I leave a message on the Youtube comment box. You thought that is forever or ever in person? That is just a comment box, almost like the voice message.

Most environment are not quiet. You never met anyone in this city. You don't need any noise, not even the background sound of this.


Look !

Every single day.

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