
Where are these my staff temporary assign human, anyone? The Europe university the German girl from EF, we had one of those chat midnight, or any life.....

They told me their university was free.

So ending up on this television are all the American high school graduate and drop out? From the university, because America requires K1 -K12, that is free, not the University? 

It must be all of those low education low IQ bar me from this American Congress under, whichever this Education Department or the Education Division, you have a monitor TV, yeah....what's this background education meets the required, or I imagine it was just the height makes the stand?

Lauren is a high school, right? X Man. She last about 5 mins existence, that doesn't mean its a one lifetime idea any of them. The education soon will determine everything if this sky keep getting worse. How come I am the only one keep pushing the education, because that is a paper thin idea? I think the high school, its the time the girls die out. Never that super women, I saw another short clip in the women superman again.

That....its you saying the freedom to going forward the Open Galaxy, do they mean the lesbian law with that Hunger Game/ Catching Fire? I would not sign at the moment, because where I sit here. Not really, I will explain to the girls something about the guys. 

If you intend to convince a guy, you have a best friend, and that best friend your definition its you had a girlfriends lesbian laws pass, that is 2 different things. A lot of the guys can live in a value they are vola all the way, as the God - but never you growing any inche per centimeter you going out of the tradition or the line. Meaning you can say you stand fine, look fine, dress fine. But not one of this......

= Coco, the girl just dead.

Everyone, or the every guy knows she package herself that way, including the face. Plastic.

But she didn't realize its every lie, she intends to say the politics on my name, its the hell means, none stop screaming. Its more of every guy will tell you as a girl, you are driven inside your body, through some of your music creation or the presentation or internal as a girl they as a guy saw that.

Whatever the guy saw, every guy knows.

So that is what I say to any of you girl. This law, you can ask the country whomever they willing, to me, if you getting together without a name to start and get along fine. But if you have some tiny wish to this open world how soon you didn't even find out, how soon, and you have one of this about something on the guys, or .....any part later you gonna regret, I prefer you get your every terms or adrenal above your kidney issue taking care of. 

Ask someone, ask your parents, ask something the economic finance center. What you should be doing to present any of that unless you are so sure your one lifetime, every life exit door, its you say you can, you say you will make it.

I need you to go and asking the American Congress as I don't have the legal authorize power. 

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