
Yesterday the same what happened....

All the things happening never stop 2015 ( / 2014), 2018-2020.

2022 -2023 High Tech talks never stop since 2014 
(Open disclosure), the full disclosure,  the soft disclosure. 

At home, waking up to the ceiling, I walk to the doorway again turn left watching ....my own living room wall. There is a TV with the sounds. 

( Its the hair commercial )

( Right, it should be, they had this before, what year this product came, (check on-line), just this few year. They brought here, or they invented here...)

( ... ... Its a real commercial. Its someone they lost their hair at their age, 39?!  Is this what ....they called them the gizmo. Ella Enchanted in 40 years, they are almost 40 years old. Imagine I was 17. )

"Caffeine, wash hair lu."

(This is the label name, must have some other commercial. This is an Asian. Its not from here. 2015. 

Its we, the character, tradition ....Chinese. European so many this brand all over the place including their human.

Funny, even Russian are gathered here. So many are there walking all around, they even hire too.)

(can tell)

"Hi ~~~there is a bus, you see ?!!!~ oh ! What? Do I have a what brother?" 

"Right, I was saying....~~~uh, you see that, those bus with the tourism, he just left ! "

(Keep walking)

Not here.

(家慶 ....2017 /2018 hi, don't keep walking not from here to there, but I need to tell you ... )

We never knew what Adam Hailey they are from America. Its not the rural religious Amish. Its from San Francisco. Karen's movie runs away. I used to not living here Taiwan, now this is called home, they imagine I just move here must be. All this walkway human passing it by scene.

(dialing .....)

( This is the extra human to save, or ....?! Everywhere on this TV. One Annca, one him. Try to say it in the public domain, they deal with it.  )

Dialing ....(Hi, Annca !!!)

( 6 years pass. )

( ...that is a telforum cooking pan, here is Asia, Korea?! They just all eating to die anyway. This is where we had here right. Not the same exact one my mother's cabin. First time watching this, he should disappear out of there by now below Wing. )

(Imagine another batch of the human on ....rocks, the continental weather there, he is from an island in the middle of ...Vanderbelt, Anderson Cooper CNN. How interesting the gay shooting club, he is next by a mother. A journalist trespassing the middle east that way. The home being occupied by Wing. None related all human, how here is the brand new ....)

(Life, telforum....pan, only one. Not the pot. All right)

(Its to sing a song ....all this light green. )

(He was young 23, imagine I was 23.)

Is he the one extra human ....


"Don't bother to talk, its in the public domain, BTX." (Iron Man AI arm)


This is the funny thing ....

That is MD 6+1 meeting MD 4+2 at WWII lines, they asking me that is 400 milliosn dollar in short one Karen Makar, markar markar...Meghan MM New Testament on Bible. Interesting, how they are psycho enough not to know what the hell to ends, all this TV gizmo, a MD sounds like failing the eternity jobs never stop.

5 or 1 MD +20....Hunger Game, that sounds right a correct number. What an America, anyway. Can hold. They themselves don't know, or imagine....this far away stretching, right below Wing and diagonal cross. That is a police station, everyone goes and sit in front of them. I told them so. Its really the opposite direction, it will never be a water drinking place be found. What the police they are imagine speaking in Chinese, anyway?

The 4 intersection....gizmo.


The human without the brain, their commanders, their kids and daughters kinds classified.

Pixie will sound a lot more useful, at least not begin this 2 handicap maid servant puppy. Just like this Eon left over must be. The Black Ops, with O ..."Flip", that looks like a jail to me the other day, BTX, those UB useless human on their piece of paper to sound American only have 1 MD per year standard. They already all ending up in the jail, a too far away the international trade, its rural bimbo, just like every TV meant, they keep arguing, just keep heart cut them. Not one word to sound the continental, one Bermuda Triangle....

Up to Today rendering ....

Human, its a pity. Every word I say wasteful. All this singing song to vent....sond right.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F664V8yIvtw

Their IQ do on purpose only 20%, the Honor Class, how America is a lawsuit world, imagine just everything should put as the lawsuit. Zero IQ if just travel through, saying the democracy thousand times. Not one thing got done. They must think I was joking wasting per air I open my mouth to talk "Low IQ", if just BTX enough this Google Database.

"Show them how many time per Low IQ say in the future." Its the literate says, its a fact, its an evidence the brighter of their future down to the hell, not just the lower portal. Never repent, sounds like no religion continent, how long they will hold that ......cut half, they will all ending in hell, with that Congress.


All the commanders, (girls, women), no classmate, no groups. This group to keep or to cut .....the useless human existence on the born records. Maybe next time.

"Dream ma Dream ma ...." Joy


"Wa la gi lee, wa la giee......."

Stupid human no ends with this.

Absolutely zero to the bottom of the hell, no brain, no IQ. how do all these becoming a class and a song with....the Superman, inverted underwear. 


Proverb his favorite Bible Solomon verse. They all must ending up in the porn industry.

Imagine their body shape, used to be. In 40 years, the same very Ella Enchanted, still the same laughing I never end.

The court room ghost when they becoming, its every year they really remember this themselves as the classmate. Brady and Jonas.....what the fluescence lamp. Even in 100 years, of this 120 life span, a Brand New Harry Potter from Prince they will all be dead Vola.

It will be the forever glory.

Winning never ends today: All their future... to walk away or just be dead on the television. (Not now.)



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