
You are panic every degree term. Inside your eyes, outside your soul, and you cannot see....either you do on purpose, or they gonna tell me from DMV, you do on purpose on your eye contact or the mistakes or the eye glasses itself....

Something about the ego, or something its to memorize at their front desk?  That is ilegal, I am telling you.  Its not everyone does that, its you need to survive in America, you have to drive, or you have to move to where the city life would be. So people get overweight and super giant fat, what gonna happen to them?

I personally will tell you, I don't really know. They drop dead on the people?  

When you are younger, you seeing a lot of things that is important. Being MD, I will tell you, you suppose to be a saint, they say they do my job as the honorable superior, or that is the commander-in-Chef included like today's this morning sky. 

You didn't grow to take care of anyone, because its a lot freer life, and when you enter upon any groups of the collaboration or the hidden groups, you mean because you don't take up the position, you can just make it like, you show up whenever you feel like, your own perfect life its too important. That kind of the attitude? Okay, then you do those Riley's job. 

You know whom that is, might be very far away future. Those people make a ton of the money, and none of them are the saint. Meaning that might be just your mouth utter those people's life are toooooo lonely, and feeling that 2 weeks on their head. Those are all false. People whom maneuver in life, if I didn't have these television, I just sit there thinking until I really get a clear how to get on my life with these folder or the binder. oh, I know where I make it where, or how, or why. 

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