
You put in another way....

If you do show up somewhere, you will be seen by them the first impression how you could show up there while everyone has a 9-5 jobs. Most time even those whom working indoor because of the COVID 19, they will think its also a 9-5 jobs, no matter what that is, you staying indoor that period of time. Not to say....you making a clear video what you are doing you saying those are the livlihood.

You show up on those ground, you will be judged by every walking, posture, seeing, whom near by, what you talk about, how you present yourself none stop shaking hands. Yeah, I been there, the time when this Flower Thousand Bone saying Dr. Gabriel Cousen, Bashar, and Kryon in California. Most of their age are all white grey hair. No age like mine, anywhere. Not the guys, not the girls.

Networking, that is probably why you using the social media to build up a social networking, and there are some people are really really really doing that for real in life.  These UB mixes me up so much, its unbelievable.

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