
You understand they are all hell, or you seeing them and placing your eye sight pretending you revenge them, its different, including proven them. You inside body, doing nothing but approval, compete and compared, how to get hurt if that someone its better than you. The entire medical school are hating each other.

But that is the only thing you got.

You can just make the biggest noise in the universe, that parallel Time never stop .....back leaving. Their psychi needs to hear they exist. Not one day one second they ever exist, not the memory, not the thought, not the revenge, not linger, not even TV.


That severity, its nothing they know of.


Their common enemy its that SMCH.

Not thinking, not knowing, not watching.

So get a lover's aspect, how many guys can there really be. 1 or 2, that is inside the same space, you seeing no one all around. People have things to do in the real life. You always thought everyone makes you feel comfortable the moment you be together for his interest, you meant it "you really don't concern" or you have every opinionate with the mouth opens.

You deliver and get done a job. Not talking.

Those first degree on murdering, that is not legal. 


At home.

1. Pick up a mail on the ground + advertising, not dizzy.

2. Walking from this room to another room opening up a facet.

3. Looking at that facet, Western world has this head, you pull up, and rinse that 4 side wall, or your left hand or right hand cover the edge, so only the rinse from the below all the way Top, you mean you have a skill.

4. These per water dew is not splash.

5. You run to the bathroom, turn on the light, pull your pant, sit on the toilet, straight up your back. You as a girl you will have 5 second wait time after the first pee. And internalize chi, to really finish those jobs. Get up, drag the pant, turn on the facet, move that facet head which way, get the soap, how you turning that, you mean you can see in which light, and that is 2 hands you mean just lightly touch, or you mean its per skin cover you know the least works you do, its the germ free. I washing my hands like literally 50 times a day.

By now I don't know how to use a soap.

Dry your hand, turn off the light.

Grab the alcohol, no one home.

6. Spray all around those electric box, with the wall is that a real paint, or that is a concrete wall. American has this....funny wall.

You touch -and-feel, you mean you sneak behind in other people's home or the house. Its Home depot, I didn't get dropped by, or look. Its his eye sight look, not me complaining inside my brain I am telling you.

Per surface I wipe, or touch, or spray, never stop doing this......you say how much you love the guys. Or the space.

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