
You want to turn on the CNN to sound like you rehearsal with your American democracy saying?

Because one day your parents die, you are in front of their grave, saying where is the original file statues things you did putting your files at. You are sorting your problems or your cases. 

Mine is the work related.

Yours are the person marriage laws one of those people-to-people's dispute.

I was talking to Nicky, so before I talking to Kian, maybe sound like a decent thing to tell you.

We gonna enter the court not on the same date, not on the same local court room. You starting at the court room. NASA or ESA can just cite that 1997 Contact, and everyone sort this oversee land, just by the way BTX next to it. You saying Prince Harry file near by 275. They must have read it. They say "interesting", and everyone's files got glue it together.

Sailor Moon book 11. 

Me and Hank doesn't have dispute, he will tell you that. We have no particular relation inside that movie, not even to my sibling or the parents.

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